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发布时间:2018-05-23 13:24

  本文选题:圆形隧洞 + 弹塑性解析解 ; 参考:《河南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Tunnel is one of the important parts of underground engineering structure. The analysis of circular tunnel without support and bolt support is the basis of solving practical engineering problems. Both elastic analysis and plastic analysis based on ideal elastic-plastic material are too conservative, and the classical micromechanics is too complicated to solve the tunnel under the condition of bolt support, and the determination of the instability criterion in the reliability analysis of the tunnel is very fuzzy. These are the problems to be solved in tunnel stability analysis, design and construction. Therefore, it is necessary to use new methods and ideas to analyze tunnel mechanical state and its stability. In view of the above problems, the characteristics of stress, displacement and plastic zone of the tunnel before and after bolting are studied and the corresponding expressions are given. Firstly, under hydrostatic pressure, the rock appears to be an elastic-brittle plastic material model. By using the Mohr-Coulomb linear yield criterion and the uncorrelated flow rule, a new elastic-plastic analytical solution for a circular tunnel without support is derived. Through the homogenization method, the rock and bolt complex under the high density support mode is considered as an equivalent material with uniform and continuous strength parameters from the macroscopic scale, and the anchor density factor which can reflect the support parameters of the tunnel is defined. The expressions of equivalent modulus of elasticity, equivalent cohesive force and equivalent angle of internal friction are derived, and the elastic-plastic analytical solution of circular tunnel under bolting condition is established, and the results of this paper are compared with those of previous studies and numerical results. The plastic zone radius and plastic zone displacement of circular tunnel before and after bolting are compared. The results show that the analytical solution in this paper is simple and reliable, which is suitable for accurate analysis of stress and displacement state of tunnel. The reliability index and failure probability of the tunnel before and after supporting are analyzed. The results show that the bolt support has obvious effect on limiting the displacement of the tunnel and can obviously improve the reliability of the tunnel.


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