本文选题:迷宫调压器 + 迷宫盘片设计 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2016年硕士论文
【摘要】:调压器作为城镇燃气系统中的核心部件,对于天然气的运输与运用起着至关重要的作用。但在该领域国内研发大多以仿制为主,多次的样机加工和试验使研发周期与成本大大增加,极不利于技术创新水平的提高。研究的内容也大都停留在原理分析或者试验验证的阶段,尤其是针对于高压差工作条件下调压器内部的可压缩流动几乎没有深入的研究,更无法提供有效的参考。本文根据目前直力式调压器在高压差大流量的情况下不能很好使用的现状,拟对目前的直接式调压器进行设计改进,设计出一款轴流式迷宫活塞燃气调压器使得其能够在高压差、大流量情况下工作。参照伯努利方程,在介质为可压缩气体情况下对调压器迷宫盘片的设计做了理论推导,包括迷宫盘片转弯级数的确定、迷宫流道数量的确定、以及迷宫盘片数量的确定,以及参照文献,确定迷宫盘片入口尺寸等。根据初始条件设计出第一级迷宫盘片降压结构以及第二级活塞式阀芯降压结构。本文提供了两种可供选择的方案,根据方案的对比,选择出比较合理的方案进行调压器的整体设计工作。运用三维建模软件Pro/E对所设计的调压器进行三维模型的建立,并且对模型进行简化处理以便于导入到有限元分析软件ANSYS CFX里进行流场的仿真。有限元分析的目的在于验证所设计的调压器是否达到设计的要求。经过有限元的模拟验证结果显示,本文所设计的调压器基本上达到要求,并且本文还对不同盘片数量进行了模拟。针对模拟的结果可以看出设计的调压器在结构上存在着一些不足,需要做进一步的结构改进。对迷宫盘片流道,以及出口盘片结构做了相应的改进。为了取到后端稳定的压力值,本文还增加了一个取后端压力的信号管,并且对弹簧进行了优选。
[Abstract]:As the core component of urban gas system, voltage regulator plays a vital role in the transportation and application of natural gas. However, most of the domestic R & D in this field is mainly based on imitation. Many kinds of prototype processing and testing have greatly increased the R & D cycle and cost, which is not conducive to the improvement of technological innovation level. The contents of the research are mostly stopped. In the stage of principle analysis or test verification, especially for the compressible flow inside the pressure differential pressure regulator, it is almost impossible to provide an effective reference. This paper is based on the present situation that the current direct pressure regulator can not be used well under the condition of high pressure difference and large flow. The voltage regulator is designed and improved, and an axial flow labyrinth piston gas regulator is designed to work in the case of high pressure difference and large flow. With reference to the Bernoulli equation, the design of the labyrinth plate for the pressure regulator is theoretically derived under the condition of the compressible gas, including the determination of the labyrinth plate turning series and the number of labyrinth passages. The determination of the quantity, the determination of the number of labyrinth disc, and the reference literature, determine the size of the labyrinth disc entrance. According to the initial conditions, the step-down structure of the first order labyrinth disc and the second stage piston type valve core depressurization are designed. In this paper, two options are provided, and a more reasonable scheme is chosen according to the comparison of the scheme. The overall design of the voltage regulator is carried out. The three-dimensional modeling software Pro/E is used to establish the three-dimensional model of the voltage regulator, and the model is simplified to facilitate the simulation of the flow field in the finite element analysis software ANSYS CFX. The purpose of the finite element analysis is to verify whether the designed voltage regulator has reached the design. The results of the finite element simulation show that the voltage regulator designed in this paper has basically reached the requirement, and the number of different disc is also simulated in this paper. In view of the simulation results, it can be seen that the design regulator has some shortcomings in the structure, and needs to be further improved. In order to get the stable pressure in the rear end, a signal tube for the back end pressure is added, and the spring is optimized.
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