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发布时间:2018-05-31 06:19

  本文选题:半刚接钢框架 + 支撑 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:半刚接节点是一种介于刚接与铰接的复杂节点类型,其节点的转动刚度介于纯刚性节点与铰接节点之间,因此对半刚接钢框架结构体系的研究具有非常重要的意义。采用半刚性节点的结构有很多优点,节点按半刚性设计可以使施工更加便捷、结构抗震耗能性更强、经济性更好等优势。目前还未见国内外学者针对顶底角钢连接的采用箱型柱的半刚接框架—支撑结构体系抗震性能的试验研究。本文提出并开展了箱型柱半刚接钢框架支撑结构的抗震性能研究,分析了该结构体系在地震作用下的地震响应、耗能性能等。获得以下研究成果: (1)确定并制作了6层箱型柱半刚接钢框架支撑结构试验模型,进行了结构的振动台实验,采集了结构在不同工况下的各层位移、加速度、部分杆件的应变,分析了结构在地震作用下的地震响应,研究了试验的结构模型在地震作用下结构侧向位移、层间位移,耗能性能。 (2)利用ABAQUS有限元分析软件模拟了试验结构模型中的半刚接顶底角钢节点并对其进行受力分析,建立了试验的半刚性顶底角钢节点的弯矩—转角关系曲线模型。 (3)利用ANSYS有限元分析软件模拟了与试验模型相同的工况,并与试验模型结构的地震响应结果进行了对比分析。同时利用ANSYS有限元分析软件建立了一个足尺箱型柱半刚接钢框架—支撑结构,,并对其进行结构参数分析,研究了结构箱型柱截面尺寸、支撑长细比的变化对结构地震响应的影响,确定了结构地震响应与箱型柱截面尺寸、支撑长细比的变化规律。
[Abstract]:Semi-rigid joint is a kind of complex joint between rigid and hinged joints, and its rotational stiffness is between pure rigid joints and hinged joints. Therefore, the study of semi-rigid steel frame structure system is of great significance. The structure with semi-rigid joints has many advantages. The design of semi-rigid joints can make the construction more convenient, the seismic energy consumption of the structure is stronger, the economy is better and so on. At present, there is no experimental study on the seismic behavior of frame-braced system with box column for top-bottom angle steel connection by domestic and foreign scholars at home and abroad. In this paper, the seismic behavior of the steel frame bracing structure with box column semi-rigid connection is studied, and the seismic response and energy dissipation performance of the structure system under earthquake are analyzed. The following results were obtained: The test model of six stories box column semi-rigid steel frame bracing structure is established and made. The shaking table experiment of the structure is carried out, and the displacement, acceleration and strain of some members of the structure under different working conditions are collected. The seismic response of the structure under earthquake is analyzed. The lateral displacement, interstory displacement and energy dissipation performance of the tested structural model under seismic action are studied. 2) the semi-rigid top-bottom angle joint in the test structure model is simulated by using ABAQUS finite element analysis software, and the bending moment angle curve model of semi-rigid top-bottom angle joint is established. 3) using ANSYS finite element analysis software to simulate the same working conditions as the test model, and to compare the results with the seismic response of the experimental model structure. At the same time, using ANSYS finite element analysis software, a full-scale box column semi-rigid steel frame-bracing structure is established, and the structural parameters are analyzed, and the section size of the box column is studied. The influence of the aspect ratio of bracing on the seismic response of the structure is discussed. The variation of the seismic response of the structure, the cross section size of box column and the ratio of length to diameter of bracing are determined.


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