[Abstract]:In the process of water recycling, due to the evaporation of water, silicic acid in water is concentrated and the silicon scale is precipitated in the inner wall of pipeline, which is harmful to industrial production. Silicon scale is a precipitate formed by polymerization of silicic acid in aqueous solution. In this paper, the effects of sodium salicylate, disodium phthalate, sodium citrate and EDTA disodium on the precipitation of silicic acid were studied. It is found that sodium salicylate and disodium phthalate in aromatics can promote the polymerization and precipitation of silicic acid by the determination of mono-silicic acid and total silicic acid concentration, and the promotion effect of disodium phthalate on the precipitation of silicic acid is more than that of sodium salicylate. The results of 29Si NMR show that neither disodium phthalate nor sodium salicylate can form new complexes with silicic acid. The results of Zeta potential and infrared absorption spectra showed that both disodium phthalate and sodium salicylate were adsorbed on the surface of polysilicic acid by the combination of hydroxyl or carboxyl group on the benzene ring and Si-OH bond on the surface of polysilicic acid. Promote the polymerization precipitation of silicic acid. However, sodium citrate and EDTA disodium in aliphatic hydrocarbons can inhibit the polymerization and precipitation of silicic acid, and EDTA disodium can inhibit the precipitation of silicic acid more than sodium citrate. UV-VIS full-wavelength scanning spectra show that both sodium citrate and EDTA disodium can form complexes with silicic acid to inhibit the polymerization of silicic acid. In aqueous solution, silicic acid forms a 1:2 complex with citric acid, while silicic acid forms a 1:1 complex with EDTA.
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