[Abstract]:With the development of Chinese economy, the scale of cities is becoming larger and larger, and the application of central heating is becoming more and more common. Economic applicability and other advantages are widely used in central heating pipeline. In recent years, with the wide application of cogeneration, the pipe diameter, temperature and internal pressure of thermal pipeline are getting larger and higher. However, there is little systematic research on this aspect in China. In this paper, the finite element model of the interaction between pipeline and soil is established by using the finite element analysis software ANSYS. The distribution law of deformation and internal force of L and Z type directly buried thermal pipeline under two different installation modes of cold installation and preheating installation are analyzed. Secondly, the main factors such as the length of the arm, the radius of the elbow and the bending angle of the bend are parameterized by APDL language of ANSYS. The results show that the preheating installation can obviously reduce the deformation and internal force of the pipeline. The deformation of the bend part of the pipeline is obviously larger than that of the straight pipe part, the shear force and bending moment are larger in the bend part than in the straight pipe part, and the axial force is increasing from the bend to the straight pipe part to reach the maximum value at the anchoring point.
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