[Abstract]:Rock and concrete are two common engineering materials, which have different mechanical properties and failure mechanisms. In the underground cavern, the surrounding rock and the supporting structure correspond to the rock and concrete, and the stability of the surrounding rock and the supporting structure is directly related to the stability of the underground cavern as a whole. Therefore, it is important for underground caverns to study the damage and failure mechanism of surrounding rock and supporting structure and the microseismic release law of the interaction between them. The main works and achievements are as follows: (1) through indoor acoustic emission test, the mechanism of microshock release of rock and concrete failure process is studied, the compression and tensile tests of concrete are carried out, and the compression test of rock is carried out. It is found that the compressive failure process of granite and concrete is divided into four stages, the tensile deformation process of concrete is simpler than that of compression process, and it only goes through a stable development stage of microcracks. The tensile strength of concrete with the same strength grade is smaller than that of the compressive strength, and the tensile strength is more affected by the particle size of aggregate. (2) numerical simulation of the microseismic release of the interaction between surrounding rock and support is carried out. Three aspects of the fault with different dip angles are simulated. According to the distribution of shear stress and microseismic events, the supporting system plays an indispensable role in the stability of underground cavern, and the supporting system and surrounding rock bear the redistribution stress from rock mass. Cracks may appear in the excavation process of step method. Therefore, when the stress in the rock mass is large, we should pay attention to the temporary or initial support for the surrounding rock in time, and in the case of the horizontal fault with 30 掳inclined angle fault and 45 掳dip fault, The caverns with horizontal faults appear instability failure only later under the same working conditions, which shows that horizontal faults have less effect on the stability of caverns. (3) through the processing of monitoring data of microearthquakes in underground powerhouse of Dagangshan, Based on the analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of microseismic events in surrounding rock and support structure, the stability of the powerhouse is analyzed from three aspects: the distribution of microseismic events, the distribution of fault microearthquakes and the influencing factors of microearthquakes. It is found that most of the microseismic events around the factory building are closely related to the construction activities, the focal is far from the main structure of the building, and the magnitude of the events in the whole analysis process is small and no major events occur. The deformation displacement caused by the microearthquake is also very small, so it is determined that the plant is basically stable. Based on the analysis of the space, magnitude and displacement distribution of the microseismic events, it is found that there is no tendency of instability and failure in the caving area under the joint action of surrounding rock and support, and the workshop is stable.
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