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发布时间:2018-08-07 13:13
【摘要】:丰富多彩的中国传统建筑装饰艺术是古人留给我们的宝贵财富,螭吻为中国大屋顶上的传统装饰艺术之一,其形成和发展演变有着悠久的历史。螭吻立于屋顶,最初是由其能够加固屋顶的屋脊交汇处这一建筑功能所决定的,随着时间的发展,螭吻的造型、纹饰、色彩都逐渐开始产生了变化,并被人赋予了更多的美好寓意。 从图像学的角度,对螭吻的起源进行了回溯。从一些汉代画像石,就可以发现汉代建筑屋顶的正脊两端就已经有了上翘的趋势,其发展过程大致经历了:鸱尾期、鸱吻期和螭吻期。螭吻到了明清时期,其外形和文化内涵都达到了高峰,是螭吻的发展史中最具特色的一个时期。明清螭吻可以分为官式螭吻和民式螭吻两类,官式螭吻的造型固定、稳重,纹饰富有特色,并且其外表都由一种颜色构成。而民式螭吻则更为多样,没有固定的形制。琉璃渠是明清官式螭吻的重要产地,直至今日,其窑火依旧旺盛,生产工艺一直得以保留。 螭吻是中国龙文化的延伸,也是中国礼制文化的符号化,中国风水文化、天人感应观的体现,除此之外,螭吻也给中国传统建筑带来了别具一格的美学价值。从螭吻的艺术化过程来看,螭吻与中国传统的龙一样,最初来源于对自然界的模仿,在这一过程中,,工匠们开始由模仿美逐渐升华到了创造美,最后跨越到了文化与内涵的新高度。螭吻及以螭吻为代表的“龙子”元素,所具有的这些形式美感及文化内涵,完全值得我们从设计的角度对其进行深度挖掘。
[Abstract]:The rich and colorful Chinese traditional architectural decoration art is a precious treasure left by the ancients. It is one of the traditional decorative arts on the Chinese big roof, and its formation and development has a long history. It was originally determined by the architectural function of the roof, where it was able to reinforce the roof. Over time, the shape, decoration, and color of the kiss began to change. And was endowed with more beautiful moral. In this paper, the origin of kiss is traced back from the point of view of imageology. From some stone sculptures in Han Dynasty, it can be found that the two ends of the main ridge of the roof of the Han Dynasty have a trend of upwardness, and its development process has experienced roughly: the late stage of owl, the period of kissing and the period of kiss. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, its appearance and cultural connotation reached its peak, which was the most characteristic period in the history of its development. The official kiss can be divided into official kiss and folk kiss. The official kiss is fixed in shape, steady in shape, characteristic in pattern, and its appearance is made up of a kind of color. The folk kiss is more diverse, there is no fixed shape. Liu Li Canal is an important place of official kiss in Ming and Qing dynasties. To this day, the kiln fire is still strong, and the production technology has been preserved. The kiss is the extension of Chinese dragon culture, the symbolization of Chinese ritual culture, the embodiment of Chinese geomantic culture and the concept of natural and human induction. In addition, it also brings a unique aesthetic value to Chinese traditional architecture. From the point of view of the artistic process of the kiss, like the traditional Chinese dragon, the kiss originated from the imitation of nature. In this process, the artisans began to sublimate from imitating beauty to creating beauty. Finally, it leaps to a new height of culture and connotation. The form aesthetic feeling and cultural connotation of the "dragon" element represented by the kiss are fully worthy of our deep excavation from the point of view of design.


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