[Abstract]:With the advent of leisure age, urban waterfront has become one of the most frequently used urban land in daily life. The excellent hydrophilic conditions and pleasant recreational environment make it full of attraction. Since the 1990s, the domestic academic research on waterfront has developed rapidly, covering ecological conservation, planning and design, plant allocation, leisure and recreation, development and management and other aspects. The main purpose of this study is to integrate the western concept of "Happy Life" into the Oriental culture, introduce new design methods and recreational behavior in waterfront area, realize the development prospects of urban waterfront area, and put forward effective operation suggestions and reform suggestions for free and Open Waterfront space. Based on the theory of recreation, the paper systematically introduces the main research methods and coverage of recreation, and introduces the questionnaire survey method which is mainly used in the study. With the popularity of Lehuo concept, this kind of life attitude has been introduced into the planning and design of many urban waterfront and landscape areas both at home and abroad. The planning zoning and use status quo of six domestic and foreign landscape areas designed with the concept of "Lehuo" has been discussed in this paper. Finally, it is concluded that the concept of "Lehuo" can be used in many aspects, such as design concept, spatial planning, project setting, recreational behavior, sustainable development, plant configuration and management operation. Questionnaire survey is mainly divided into seven parts, respectively around the scenic spot recreation status and the concept of "happy life" tourists need to ask questions. Questionnaire recovery, using statistical principles for data analysis. Later research classifies the population according to gender, age and other characteristics, and makes cross-analysis, and draws certain conclusions. Field observation includes subjective evaluation of the status quo of scenic spot construction, and detailed observation and record of visitor flow and recreational behavior, and draws a more qualitative conclusion. It also includes the summary and analysis of the recreational behavior of children, families, young people, photographers and other different groups in order to get the applicable law. Strategy.
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