[Abstract]:Macroporous lightweight thermal insulation block is a light thermal insulation block with volcanic slag sand as the main raw material and cement as the cementitious material after stirring vibration and pressure forming. The block type and material of this block are proposed for the first time in China, therefore, there are few related research materials, specifications and technical indexes. According to the present situation of building energy saving in our country, this paper studies the design of mix proportion of block materials and the manufacture and production of block. The thermal performance, sound insulation, dew resistance and crack resistance of block wall are analyzed, and the relevant conclusions and suggestions are given. The main achievements are as follows: 1. In this paper, cement, sand and volcanic slag are used as the main raw materials, and the concrete mix ratio of concrete blocks with MU5 grade and density grade 1000 is determined by selecting different mix ratio of concrete to carry out compressive strength test of block. The block is suitable for filling walls of external walls and interior walls under damp conditions, but shall not be used for load-bearing walls of buildings. In this paper, the concrete mix ratio of concrete blocks with a strength of 4.4 MPA and a density grade of 800 is given. The concrete mix ratio of the above two blocks needs to be further adjusted to improve the strength of the block; 2. The production technology of macroporous block and the pouring technology of JK foamed concrete are determined. The material selection, concrete mixing process and forming process in the production process of large-hole block are analyzed. The optional maintenance technology is put forward and the quality control requirements of the block are given. The compressive strength test and analysis of the macroporous concrete blocks after pouring are carried out. 3. In this paper, the thermal, sound insulation and crack resistance properties of large hole block wall are analyzed. It is concluded that the wall built by large hole block masonry with density grade 1000 can meet the thermal performance requirements of buildings above 4 stories in cold area. Other performance meets the specification requirements; The thermal performance of the large-hole block with density grade 800 can meet the requirements of (C) 9-storey buildings in severe cold areas, and cannot meet the thermal performance requirements of (C) 4-8-story buildings in severe cold areas. The sound insulation performance of large-hole block wall is theoretically analyzed. By calculating the minimum thermal resistance, the anti-condensation performance of large-hole block wall is analyzed.
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