[Abstract]:The comprehensive three-dimensional development of subway station is an effective way to solve the traffic problems, environmental problems and economic problems in high-density urban areas. It is also a means of intensive utilization of urban land resources and construction of three-dimensional cities. The development of metro property complex can be divided into two categories, one is the development of the station, the other is the utilization of the upper cover of the depot at the end of the line. According to the theory of TOD (urban development guided by rail transit) and city catalyst, the operation of subway brings a large number of people, which can promote the economic development along the line. Taking the site as the core, guiding the redevelopment of the surrounding urban space, there are many three-dimensional comprehensive development models, such as the development of the combination of ground and station, the development of the public space connecting the ground exit and the city, the development of the underground space commercial street, The construction of three-dimensional walking system connected with each other, and the development of different modes of depot cover. The development status quo of the most advanced development of subway stations and yard building at home and abroad is sorted out, and the joint development of the common building and underground street of Taipei MRT station is investigated. The combination of the three railway constructure buildings and the underground street of the Taipei MRT station is emphatically analyzed. Find out the advantage that is worth drawing lessons from. It also investigates the comprehensive development examples of the car depot in China: Beijing Sihui Depot, Shenzhen Qianhai Depot and Hong Kong Tseung Kwan O Depot. The unfavorable factors and design problems are found. And put forward effective architectural design methods to solve and improve the functional transformation, space transformation, environmental transformation, structural transformation, safety and other problems of industrial and civil buildings, as well as the car depot blocking urban space. In order to realize the more valuable comprehensive development and intensive utilization of space, the problems of closed introversion, vertical traffic shunt, vibration and noise in the upper cover space can be realized.
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