[Abstract]:This paper is based on the military defense of the Koguryo city in China. From the historical records, archaeological registration, map data, field investigation and other aspects of the research object Noumenon (the Koguryo city in China), the author obtained the single unit of the Koguryo city defense facilities in China. And some characteristics of group layout. Then it analyzes the reasons for these characteristics and their significance to Koguryo's military defense. Firstly, according to the analysis of city pool, the location is based on the factors of river, traffic and geographical environment (mountain, terrain, water source etc.). In the form of city pool, it is not restricted to form, and it is broken into a city with the tendency of mountain. In defense facilities, the part of city wall makes full use of natural conditions, and the city wall is built by the combination of artificial wall and natural wall. In addition to the convenient access, more attention to defense, more vat city auxiliary, the form of vat city is rich and diverse, which is different from the central plain flat city. The barracks in the city are mostly semi-burrowing residential sites, which fully reflects the solution of the Koguryo people against the harsh natural conditions in the Northeast in winter. Air-hanging platform in the city to choose the commanding high point, easy to external observation and internal command. From several aspects of the monolithic city, Koguryo's concept of building a city based on military defense is unmistakable. Secondly, according to the analysis of city layout, the layout of Koguryo city in China has formed the form of "one side", "one island", "two lines" and "two Wang Ji". "one side" is the western border of Koguryo in the eastern Liaoning line, where the main defense is the overland attack of the Central Plains Dynasty, and the "one Island" is the Liaodong Peninsula, where the main defense is the attack of the Central Plains Dynasty in the direction of land and sea. "two lines" is mainly the defense of Koguryo "South, North, two Road", this is leading to Koguryo early, the middle capital Huanren area, Ji'an area of the hinterland traffic; "two Wang Ji" is the Huanren area of WuNushan Mountain City and Ji'an area of the domestic city and Maru Hill City, here is the last line of defense of the two Wang Ji. These four parts rely on each other to form the city defense layout form of Koguryo in China. Finally, the significance of the city layout to Koguryo's defense of the Central Plains, especially the Sui and Tang dynasties: although Koguryo's city layout is displayed in China in a rich form, a perfect framework, and a very strong integrity, In the face of the powerful Sui and Tang dynasties, the mature city defense facilities only delayed its demise.
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