[Abstract]:China is in the golden period of rapid development of underground rail transit. In the last century, people did not attach great importance to the safety of underground structure. There is no mature theory and method for seismic analysis of underground structures. Therefore, the dynamic response of underground structures under earthquake is studied in this paper, which provides the basis for seismic design of underground structures, and summarizes the response law of large and complex underground structures under earthquake. The failure mechanism is analyzed. On the basis of summing up the present situation of seismic research of underground structures at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the analysis methods of seismic dynamic response and their advantages and disadvantages, and analyzes the main problems in seismic design of underground structures. The dynamic response of subway tunnel and station under earthquake action is simulated and analyzed based on practical engineering. The sensitivity of key parameters such as constitutive model of soil, artificial boundary, selection and input of seismic wave, soil-junction interaction and so on are discussed. The optimal simulation scheme suitable for practical engineering is determined. In the simulation analysis, different calculation conditions are selected, including layered soil, fault, different tunnel spacing and depth, column size and position of subway station, different lining reinforcement schemes and the influence of different seismic waves on its seismic performance. According to the method and theory of simulation and analysis, the software of seismic dynamic response analysis of subway tunnel is developed on the platform of MFC. Finally, the results are analyzed and processed, and some useful conclusions are obtained. The research in this paper shows that the peak value of lining stress appears in the arch waist, arch foot and arch shoulder under earthquake, and the type of input seismic wave has a great influence on the dynamic characteristics of subway tunnel, but has little correlation with the lining stiffness. The acceleration of the earth surface after the input seismic wave is enlarged. The interstory displacement angle of subway station is within the allowable range under earthquake action, and the stress peak occurs at the end of the middle column, the side wall and the plate, and the place where the station and the tunnel meet will also appear the phenomenon of stress concentration.
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