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发布时间:2019-01-26 08:48
【摘要】:建筑节能对于我国的能源安全来说非常重要,外墙隔热保温涂料是实现建筑节能的方式之一。粉煤灰作为主要工业固体废弃物之一,其中的漂珠及其工业产品可以作为外墙隔热保温涂料的功能填料。本文以粉煤灰为原料,采用两步法合成粉煤灰沸石;通过单因素实验,确定最佳的工艺条件;然后以合成的沸石为功能填料制备建筑隔热保温涂料,考察该涂料的导热系数及其隔热性能。主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)以粉煤灰合成沸石,对影响合成沸石的因素,氢氧化钠浓度、液固比、硅铝比及结晶温度进行单因素实验,得出合成低导热系数的粉煤灰沸石的最佳工艺条件为:氢氧化钠浓度3 mol/L,液固比10:1,硅铝比为2,结晶温度为120℃。在此条件下合成的粉煤灰沸石的孔容积最大,为0.148 m3/g,导热系数最小,为0.153 W/(m·k),符合国标中保温材料的条件。(2)以粉煤灰沸石为功能填料,制备建筑隔热保温涂料,得到最佳的基础配方:苯丙乳液30 g,水25 g,纤维素0.3 g,钛白粉25 g,分散剂0.1 ml,润湿剂0.1 ml,功能填料10 g;同时对配方中的颜料浓度PVC进行了确定,发现当PVC为40%时,绝对升温可降低5℃。以此条件下制备出的涂料符合相关行业的国家标准。(3)考察了涂层厚度对涂料隔热性能的影响,以排除对后续实验的影响。实验结果表明:涂一道、两道及三道时平衡温度没有显著性差异,即通过再次涂刷,增加涂层厚度后隔热效果基本不变。为了验证粉煤灰沸石涂料的隔热性能,实验选择隔热性能较好的粉煤灰漂珠及硅藻土为对比材料,制备隔热保温涂料,测试其隔热性能,发现添加粉煤灰漂珠9%时,隔热效果较好,平衡温度降低了5℃;硅藻土的添加量为9%时,平衡温度降低了7℃;沸石的添加量为9%时隔热效果最好,此时平衡温度降低了12℃。因此可以得出,粉煤灰沸石涂料隔热效果最好。(4)为了进一步验证粉煤灰沸石涂料的隔热性能,开展了室外太阳光的模拟实验,实验结果表明:粉煤灰漂珠涂料的最大温差达到12℃,硅藻土涂料达到12.8℃,粉煤灰沸石涂料达到14.7℃。进而证明了粉煤灰沸石涂料是一种很好的外墙隔热保温涂料。以上研究表明,以粉煤灰为原料,两步法合成沸石,以此为功能填料制备的建筑外墙隔热保温涂料可以有效提高涂料的隔热性能,同时,所制得的涂料符合相关行业的国家标准。
[Abstract]:Building energy conservation is very important for energy security of our country. Thermal insulation coating for exterior wall is one of the ways to realize building energy saving. Fly ash is one of the main industrial solid wastes, among which drifters and their industrial products can be used as functional fillers for thermal insulation coatings. In this paper, fly ash zeolites were synthesized by two-step method using fly ash as raw material, and the optimum technological conditions were determined by single factor experiment. Then the synthetic zeolite was used as the functional filler to prepare the thermal insulation coating for building, and the thermal conductivity and thermal insulation property of the coating were investigated. The main contents and conclusions are as follows: (1) the factors affecting the synthesis of zeolites, the concentration of sodium hydroxide, the ratio of liquid to solid, the ratio of silicon to aluminum and the crystallization temperature, are studied. The optimum conditions for synthesis of fly ash zeolites with low thermal conductivity were obtained as follows: sodium hydroxide concentration 3 mol/L, liquid-solid ratio 10: 1, silicon-aluminum ratio 2, crystallization temperature 120 鈩,




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