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发布时间:2019-01-27 11:32
[Abstract]:Since China's economic recovery, with the development of science and technology, various industries have made progress. At the same time, because our country is in the earthquake frequency area, and quite a lot of existing buildings can not meet the seismic performance of the existing functional requirements; In order to ensure the life and property safety of the masses, the seismic performance analysis of existing buildings is particularly important. In particular, the seismic performance of high-rise buildings is more prominent. The seismic performance analysis of existing buildings is also called seismic evaluation. But because the current seismic appraisal standard can not be applied to all existing buildings, this paper can not apply to the appraisal standard temporarily, that is, the analysis of the frame-core tube high-rise building structure after the addition of storeys. A special identification method of two levels is established for this kind of building, and a complete appraisal analysis is carried out in combination with concrete engineering examples, and it is concluded that it does not meet the requirements of appraisal. Comparing the strengthening performance of common reinforcement methods, the seismic strengthening design of structures is carried out by comprehensive seismic reinforcement method. In this paper, the widely used theoretical calculation methods of seismic action are analyzed, the theoretical formulas of each method are deduced, the applicability and advantages and disadvantages of each method are comprehensively analyzed, and the time history analysis method is adopted. The seismic behavior of structures before and after reinforcement is analyzed. The RHITG035 artificial wave, TH3TG035 natural wave and VAH-2 natural wave are input into the calculation software to analyze the time history of the structure before and after reinforcement, and the corresponding dynamic response of the structure under the action of each seismic wave is obtained. After time history analysis, the seismic bearing capacity, floor displacement and interstory displacement angle, interstory shear force, horizontal velocity and acceleration of the structure before and after strengthening are compared and analyzed. It is concluded that the seismic performance of each aspect of the structure has been improved after the comprehensive reinforcement method designed in the article is adopted to meet the requirements of seismic identification. This study can be used for reference to the seismic identification of similar projects and seismic performance analysis after reinforcement treatment.


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