发布时间:2019-04-22 16:53
【摘要】:在当今,全球经济一体化的浪潮下,强势的全球文化的逼进,特别是西方文化大量涌入中国,在中国现代的室内设计领域出现了全球化、同一化的新倾向,导致一些传统、地域性特色的设计不断丢失。因此,如何将传统文化融入到现代室内设计中,创造出既具文化内涵又具时代性的室内设计,是当下中国室内设计领域需要面临的重要课题。 现阶段我国的室内设计思想还处于一种较低的水平状态,在设计上基本都是大同小异,互相抄袭,盲目追求西方古典装饰风格或追求所谓的“民族风格”,到处充斥传统构件,为了形式而形式,缺乏中国特有的文化内涵。中国几千年的文化底蕴赐予我们重大的财富,为室内设计的发展和创新提供了新的源泉。而室内设计本身也是一种对文化、对思想内涵的诠释,实际上是一种文化的设计。所以,目前中国的室内设计应该秉承优秀的传统文化,将中国传统文化的精髓融入到现代室内设计中,创造出具有传统文化内涵与文化精神的中国现代室内设计。 探索中国传统文化在现代室内设计中的传承,既要满足当代中国人的心理、生理与精神需要,又要体现传统文化的文化内涵及审美价值。因此,需要从时代的角度去认识与了解传统,在继承传统的基础上不断创新与发展,充分挖掘、提炼传统文化的精髓。从传统文化思维、传统文化神韵、传统文化符号等方面进行借鉴与创新应用,传统与现代相结合,兼容并蓄,融会贯通,设计出符合中国现代人审美观念的室内设计。
[Abstract]:At present, under the tide of global economic integration, the strong global culture, especially the great influx of the western culture into China, has experienced the globalization and the same new tendency in the modern interior design field of China, leading to the loss of the design of some traditional and regional features. Therefore, how to integrate the traditional culture into the modern interior design, to create the interior design with both the cultural connotation and the times, is an important subject that needs to be faced in the field of interior design in China. At present, the design of interior design in our country is still in a lower level, and in the design, the design is basically the same as the small, the plagiarism, the blind pursuit of the western classical decoration style or the pursuit of the so-called "national style", full of the traditional components, in the form of the form expression, lack of China's unique culture The Chinese culture of thousands of years has given us great wealth, and provides a new source for the development and innovation of interior design The interior design itself is a kind of culture, the interpretation of the connotation of the thought is actually a culture. Therefore, the interior design of China should adhere to the excellent traditional culture, integrate the essence of Chinese traditional culture into the modern interior design, create the modern indoor set with the traditional cultural connotation and the cultural spirit To explore the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture in modern interior design, to meet the psychological, physiological and spiritual needs of contemporary Chinese people, and to reflect the cultural connotation and trial of the traditional culture. Therefore, it is necessary to realize and understand the traditional culture from the angle of the times, to innovate and develop on the basis of the inheritance of the traditional culture, to fully exploit and refine the traditional culture. The essence of the traditional culture, the traditional culture, the traditional cultural symbol and so on is used for reference and innovative application. The combination of the traditional and the modern, the compatibility and the combination of the traditional culture and the modern culture and the combination of the traditional and the modern are designed to be in the chamber of the Chinese modern aesthetic concept.
[Abstract]:At present, under the tide of global economic integration, the strong global culture, especially the great influx of the western culture into China, has experienced the globalization and the same new tendency in the modern interior design field of China, leading to the loss of the design of some traditional and regional features. Therefore, how to integrate the traditional culture into the modern interior design, to create the interior design with both the cultural connotation and the times, is an important subject that needs to be faced in the field of interior design in China. At present, the design of interior design in our country is still in a lower level, and in the design, the design is basically the same as the small, the plagiarism, the blind pursuit of the western classical decoration style or the pursuit of the so-called "national style", full of the traditional components, in the form of the form expression, lack of China's unique culture The Chinese culture of thousands of years has given us great wealth, and provides a new source for the development and innovation of interior design The interior design itself is a kind of culture, the interpretation of the connotation of the thought is actually a culture. Therefore, the interior design of China should adhere to the excellent traditional culture, integrate the essence of Chinese traditional culture into the modern interior design, create the modern indoor set with the traditional cultural connotation and the cultural spirit To explore the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture in modern interior design, to meet the psychological, physiological and spiritual needs of contemporary Chinese people, and to reflect the cultural connotation and trial of the traditional culture. Therefore, it is necessary to realize and understand the traditional culture from the angle of the times, to innovate and develop on the basis of the inheritance of the traditional culture, to fully exploit and refine the traditional culture. The essence of the traditional culture, the traditional culture, the traditional cultural symbol and so on is used for reference and innovative application. The combination of the traditional and the modern, the compatibility and the combination of the traditional culture and the modern culture and the combination of the traditional and the modern are designed to be in the chamber of the Chinese modern aesthetic concept.
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