[Abstract]:The external thermal insulation technology of building exterior wall has become the mainstream of building external insulation because of its unique advantages in protecting structural wall, saving space, convenient construction and so on. Since 1997, building energy saving has been enforced in our country, and the building energy saving standard has gradually transitioned from 30% energy saving to 50% energy saving. With the implementation of new energy saving design standards for residential buildings in some areas, the energy saving rate of buildings in China will reach the advanced level of developed countries. In this paper, the elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and linear expansion coefficient of EPS,XPS insulation plate are measured, which provides the basic physical and mechanical parameters for finite element analysis. The distribution of temperature field in the wall is studied by numerical method when one side of the thermal insulation wall is in different atmospheric environment temperature and the other side is in the indoor temperature. The effects of air interlayer, insulation board type and wall material type on the internal temperature field of external thermal insulation wall are studied. In addition, the external thermal insulation wall composed of insulation plate, concrete and aerated concrete is selected as the typical representative to analyze the temperature field distribution under different temperature conditions, which provides the temperature boundary condition for the deformation of insulation board. Through the finite element simulation method, the variation law of the internal strain of the insulation plate along the direction of the thickness of the plate and the distribution of temperature along the direction of the thickness of the wall under different temperature difference conditions are obtained. Because the deformation of the insulation plate will cause the bond stress on the bonding interface between the insulation board and the base wall, the external heat preservation failure is often caused by the bond failure in the project. Therefore, the temperature field in the external insulation wall is obtained by establishing the finite element model in ANSYS and analyzing the boundary conditions by heating. The boundary condition of structural analysis is applied to the finite element model, and the temperature field obtained by thermal analysis is applied to the structural analysis model as volume load, and the stress field is obtained. The curve of the maximum stress on the interface with temperature is obtained by reading the interface stress. By changing the structural boundary conditions on the model, the different bonding areas between the insulation plate and the wall are simulated, and the relationship between the temperature stress and the bond area under a certain temperature is obtained. Finally, the temperature field distribution and strain distribution in two kinds of insulation plates under different temperature conditions are measured. The results are compared with those of finite element simulation, and the reasons for the differences are analyzed.
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