[Abstract]:This topic comes from Jiangsu Province Green Building Scheme Design Competition Book 1: Nanjing Hexi Urban Ecological Park Ecological Exhibition Hall and Future Ecological Architecture Design. In order to popularize the concept of low-carbon ecological wisdom, promote the application of low-carbon ecological wisdom technology, and create a national sample city of low-carbon ecological wisdom, Nanjing Hexi Command decided to build Hexi Urban Ecological Park. The ecological exhibition hall and the future ecologist building group are located in the ecological park. It is hoped that the architecture, exhibition and venue will be unified and coordinated as the centralized display place of the concept and technology of low-carbon ecological wisdom. However, the form of single-family housing in the task book is not of great practical significance in today's urban context. Because of the land system and land price, it is unlikely to build a new single-family house in the city. At the same time, with the improvement of urbanization and the development of rural areas in China, a considerable part of the construction task has changed from urban to rural areas. By the end of 2010, the per capita housing area in rural areas had reached 31.6 m2. At the same time, the amount of housing construction in rural areas is also increasing, the investment in rural housing is between 600 billion and 900 billion every year, and the annual construction volume is close to 700 million m2, accounting for more than half of the total number of new housing in the country. Corresponding to this situation, our houses in rural areas are rarely professionally designed, and the overall level of rural housing conditions is poor. Especially in Nanjing, a typical area of cold winter and hot summer, the comfort and energy consumption of rural housing are very prominent. In view of the above situation, I turn the subject of design to the ecological housing in rural areas, that is, the architectural design of green new farm residence. Because Nanjing area is in the hot summer and cold winter area, in the ecological design strategy, we should pay attention to the passive technology, fully consider the natural ventilation and cooling, reduce the overall heat in summer, and increase the heat in winter and reduce the heat loss. In order to reduce the overall energy consumption of the building. Because the design is temporarily separated from the site, the design strategy of ecological housing in rural areas is studied. Therefore, first of all, it analyzes the specific typical housing types in rural areas, there are two kinds of street housing and one-pillar type. The street houses are further divided into the north-south narrow houses formed along the east-west street and the east-west narrow houses formed along the north-south street. From the design method, first of all, according to the Jiangsu Province village and town planning guidelines to control the area of newly built rural residential homestead, respectively determine the residential area of street residential and single-pillar housing. For the street residential buildings analyzed from the typical types, because of the obvious ventilation problems, the optimization design is mainly carried out on the ventilation. For single-pillar residential buildings, due to the freedom of the site, through spatial strategy, passive design means, to achieve a good natural ventilation environment and can adapt to the winter and summer overheating and overcooling thermal environment. In the specific operation method, the ventilation condition of the design scheme is simulated by Airpak and further compared with the adjustment scheme, and finally a good ventilation environment is achieved. In terms of thermal environment, the main means are to reduce summer heat and increase winter solar heat, and reduce winter maintenance structure heat loss. The method is through the change of the wall, the optimization design of shading, and the optimization design of the scheme through Ecotect. In addition, single house will also use some natural air conditioning system, roof planting, biogas equipment, and so on.
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9 祝t,