[Abstract]:The low cycle reciprocating load tests of four prestressed high strength concrete (PHC) pipe piles and cap joints are carried out, the failure process and shape of the specimens are described, and the concrete of the pile body is analyzed. The hysteretic curve, bearing capacity and displacement toughness of anchoring steel bar and carbon fiber confined prestressed concrete pipe pile (CFRP) are studied. The test results show that under the action of bending moment, the concrete in the joint area is crushed, the constraint of anchoring steel bar in the joint area is weakened, and the articulation point is formed, and the rotation capacity of the joint becomes larger. The displacement toughness of the joint can be improved by adding steel fiber into the concrete of the pile body and configuring the non-prestressed tendons. In the design of the joint, it should be ensured that the cap will not be destroyed prematurely due to the extrusion pressure or prying force caused by the rotation of the pile end. The finite element analysis software Open Sees is used to simulate and analyze the mechanical properties of joints under reciprocating loads. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results.
【作者单位】: 天津大学建筑工程学院;滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室(天津大学);
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