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发布时间:2020-11-15 18:56
   随着社会经济和建设技术的发展,新的建筑结构形式不断涌现。工业厂房结构体系采用混凝土柱与折线形钢梁轻型房屋结构的形式越来越普遍,该结构形式能充分发挥钢筋混凝土柱刚度大、抗压强度高、防火防腐性能好的特点和折线形钢梁抗弯能力好、自重轻的优势,并且采用钢筋混凝土柱时,可以配以轻质砌体墙,能够解决房屋保温和墙体耐久性的问题;上部采用轻质高强、便于加工和安装的钢梁及轻型屋面,可提高施工速度,降低施工成本。但是,现行的建筑结构规范对这种新结构体系的受力特点、设计及应用等没有明确规定,给设计和施工造成困难。因此,正确理解与分析钢筋混凝土柱与折线形钢梁结构体系的力学性能是我国建筑结构领域中需要解决的重要问题。钢筋混凝土柱与折线形钢梁结构体系的研究符合国家“低碳、节能、环保”的理念,对中国绿色建筑工业化的发展具有十分重要的现实意义和战略性意义。折线形钢梁的安全可靠是保证这种新的结构体系正常工作的必要条件,它是结构体系的核心,深入研究折线形钢梁结构体系的受力性能是合理设计与应用应此类构件的前提。虽国内外学者对混凝土柱与钢梁混合结构进行了一些研究,但目前关于折线形钢梁结构体系的研究甚少。钢梁截面正应力分析计算是钢梁设计与计算中必要的计算过程,本文在张治新、黄军超于2015年国内外首次做的5种不同坡度折线形钢梁的试验结果基础上,对折线形钢梁在竖向荷载作用下的正应力状态进行试验,并结合ANSYS有限元模拟分析,对两端铰接折线形钢梁在竖向荷载作用下的正应力状态进行了进一步验证,具体研究分析结果如下:1、通过在集中荷载作用下折线形钢梁试验过程中的正截面应变状态,分析得出在集中荷载作用下折线形钢梁的跨中截面应变状态为接近线性变化关系、且基本符合平截面假定,在折线型钢梁跨中截面的中和轴位置区别于无曲折直线形钢梁,位于截面中心线以下。2、基于现有的折线形钢梁水平推力的研究成果,从理论角度进行竖向荷载作用下的折线形钢梁截面应力状态分析;通过折线形钢梁三个不同部位的截面应力分析得出,应力分布状态跟试验分析结果较吻合,其最大正应力产生位置不一定是跨中位置,在具体工程设计计算时要引起重视。3、以有限元软件ANSYS Workbench为研究平台建立分析模型,进行了仿真模拟分析,通过分析试验时的应变状态和理论分析的应变状态结果,进一步验证实际受力状态下的折线形钢梁截面正应力计算方法,为折线形钢梁计算与设计提供借鉴。
Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background and significance
    1.2 Research status at home and abroad
        1.2.1 Research status abroad
        1.2.2 Research status in China
    1.3 The main content of this paper
Chapter 2 Experimental design of linear steel girder
    2.1 Preface
        2.1.1 Specimen design and production
        2.1.2 Loading system
        2.1.3 Load testing
        2.1.4 Component failure/Failure modes
        2.1.5 Failure scenario
        2.1.6 Mechanical failure
        2.1.7 Load-section strain experimental result
Chapter: 3 Theoretical Analysis of the Stress and Neutral Axis of the Broken linesteel beam
    3.1 Preface
    3.2 Test phenomena and damage patterns
        3.2.1 Test phenomenon
        3.2.2 Failure pattern
    3.3 Theoretical analysis of the stress inheritance
        3.3.1 Basic analysis of elastic-plastic bending
        3.3.2 Stress distribution
ζ1'>        3.3.3 Ifζ2>ζ1
        3.3.4 Ifζ2
        3.3.5 Stress of the Beam under Limit State
    3.4 Neutral axis positions
    3.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 4: Bending, Neutral Axis and Stress Equations Calculation of the BeamLoad in Uniform Loaded Supported on Both Ends
    4.1 Preface
        4.1.1 Drawing the UDL
    4.2 force
    4.3 Theroretical analysis of the stress
        4.3.1 Simple shear stress
        4.3.2 Bending Stress
        4.3.3 Procedures for determining bending stresses Stress at a Given Point
    4.4 Neutral axis positions
    4.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 5: Finite Element Simulation Analysis (FEA) of the Broken line steelbeam
    5.1 Preface
    5.2 Finite element method analysis process
        5.2.1 Steel properties
        5.2.2 The basic properties of steel
        5.2.3 Model establishment and meshing
        5.2.4 Boundary conditions
        5.2.5 Applied load and convergence control
    5.3 Finite element simulation results
        5.3.1 Overall stress analysis
    5.4 Position of Neutral Axis
    5.5 Chapter summary
Chapter 6: Finite Element Modelling Analysis of a Steel Beam UniformingDistrubuted Load (UDL)
    6.1 Preface
    6.2 Steel properties
        6.2.1 Stress Strain Curve or Diagram
        6.2.2 Model establishment and meshing
        6.2.3 Using New Meshing Features in ansys workbenchSimulation
        6.2.4 Overall stress analysis
    6.3. Position of the neutral axis
    6.4 chapter summary
Chapter7. Comparison and Interpretation of the Results of the DifferentPrototype Steel Beams
    7.1 Experimental and theorical comaparion Results
        7.1.2 Experimental test results of the of the Broken line steel beam
    7.2 Theoretical results of the Broken line steel beam
Chapter 8 Conclusion and Prospect
    8.1 Conclusion
    8.2 Looking ahead
Appendix A Thesis published during the master's degree study


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