第 17 卷第 3 期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.17 No.3 2010 年 3 月 Journal of Physical Education M a r . 2 0 1 0 论学校体育伤害事故的风险管理 1 2 陈立春 ,常立飞 9 (1.吉林体育学院 研究生部,吉林 长春 130022 ;2.吉林体育学院 马列部,吉林 长春 130022 ) 摘 要:针对学校体育伤害事故发生的可能性与严重程度,引入风险管理理论,认为制定学 校体育伤害事故的风险管理计划主要包括成立风险管理小组、分析风险和确定控制方法、法律分 析与政策陈述、操作行为和程序,执行与监督等,阐述了风险管理在学校体育伤害风险分析与控 制方法的具体应用:风险识别、风险评估、风险应对等,明确了学校体育伤害事故的责任,提出 了风险管理的操作行为和程序、执行与监督等问题。 关 键 词:学校体育;伤害事故;风险管理;体育法 中图分类号:G807.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116 2010 03-0041-04 Risk management of injury accidents in school physical education 1 2 CHEN Li-chun ,CHANG Li-fei (1.Postgraduate Department ,Jilin Institute of Physical Education,Changchun 130022,China ; 2.Department of Marxism & Leninis ,Jilin Institute of Physical Education,Changchun 130022,,China ) Abstract: Its purpose is to scientifically control risks in injury accidents in school physical education. Aiming at the possibility and degree of seriousness of the occurrence of injury accidents in school physical education, the authors introduced the risk management theory, considered that the plans for the risk management of injury accidents in school physical education mainly include establishing a risk management team, analyzing risks and determining control methods, legal analysis and policy statement, operating behaviors and procedures, execution and supervi- sion, etc., expatiated on specific applic