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Integrated assessment on groundwater nitrate by unsaturated

发布时间:2016-11-18 07:18



Integrated assessment on groundwater nitrate by unsaturated zone probing and aquifer sampling with environmental tracers

Lijuan Yuan  Zhonghe Pang  Tianming Huang  

【摘要】:正By employing chemical and isotopic tracers(~(15)N and ~(18)O in NO_3~-),we investigated the main processes controlling nitrate distribution in the unsaturated zone and aquifer.Soil water was extracted from two soil cores drilled in a typical agricultural cropping area of the North China Plain(NCP),where groundwater was also sampled.The results indicate that evaporation and denitrification are the two major causes of the distribution of nitrate in soil water extracts in the unsaturated zone.Evaporation from unsaturated zone is evidenced by a positive correlation between chloride and nitrate,and denitrification by a strong linear relationship betweenδ~(18)O_(NO_3) and ln(NO_3~-/CI).The latter is estimated to account for up to 50%of the nitrate loss from soil drainage.In the saturated zone,nitrate is reduced at varying extents (100 mg/L and 10 mg/L at two sites,respectively),largely by dilution of the aquifer water.

【作者单位】:Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Geothermal Research Institute
【基金】:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant 40872162,41202183) the International Atomic Energy Agency(RC15397)

1。IntrodUCtion Nitmte 15 often one of the most直bundant anions in eontami- natedgroundwater(硒ley and Zachara,1992).However,,the unsaturated zone,which 15 theP韶sageway for all the water and eontaminants transPorting from the land surfaee to groundwat




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