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发布时间:2017-12-30 21:10

  本文关键词:我国银行业垄断问题研究 出处:《中共中央党校》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 银行业 垄断 利率市场化

【摘要】:银行是经营货币信用业务的金融机构,通过发行信用货币、管理货币流通、调剂资金供求、办理货币存贷与结算,充当信用的中介人。银行是最主要的金融机构,是国民经济运转的枢纽,对国民经济发展起到重要的作用。但是在我国银行业的发展过程中,垄断却成为其主要特点,严重制约了银行发挥国民经济运转中枢的作用。在经济全球化和我国“转方式、调结构”的大背景下,对银行业垄断的改革呼声日益高涨。本文试图从我国银行业发展现状出发,提出打破我国银行业垄断的对策建议。 本文首先对国内外研究银行业垄断的文献做了回顾,并对本文的研究方法做了介绍。其次,文章用总资产、存贷款、盈利状况等指标对我国银行业发展现状做了详细论述以说明其垄断表现。文章在第三部分对我国银行业为什么会呈现出垄断趋势做出了分析,说明历史原因形成的行政干预是造成银行业垄断的根本原因,进而又引申出利率管制、较高进入门槛等方面原因。最后,文章针对形成我国银行业垄断的原因提出对策,,即:一方面要破除行政干预,加快利率市场化的进程,降低银行业准入门槛,发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,同时加强对银行业的监管;另一方面,还要从银行自身业务能力下功夫,优化业务结构,发展非利息收入业务。通过这些措施破除我国银行业垄断的局面。
[Abstract]:The bank is the financial institution which manages the money credit business, through issuing the credit currency, manages the currency circulation, adjusts the fund supply and demand, handles the money deposit, the loan and the settlement. The bank is the most important financial institution and the hub of the national economy, which plays an important role in the development of the national economy. But in the process of the development of the banking industry in our country. However, monopoly has become its main characteristic, which has seriously restricted the banks from playing the role of national economic operation center. Under the background of economic globalization and "changing mode and adjusting structure" in our country. Based on the present situation of banking industry in China, this paper tries to put forward some countermeasures and suggestions to break the monopoly of banking industry in China. Firstly, this paper reviews the domestic and foreign literature on banking monopoly, and introduces the research methods of this paper. Secondly, the article uses total assets, deposits and loans. Profit status and other indicators of the development of the banking industry in China to make a detailed description of its monopoly performance. The third part of the banking industry in our country why there is a monopoly trend is analyzed. Explain the historical reasons of the formation of administrative intervention is the root cause of banking monopoly, and then extend the interest rate control, higher entry threshold and other reasons. Finally. On the one hand, we should break the administrative intervention, speed up the process of interest rate marketization and lower the entry threshold of the banking industry. Give full play to the fundamental role of the market in the allocation of resources, while strengthening the supervision of the banking industry; On the other hand, we should make great efforts to optimize the business structure and develop the non-interest income business from the bank's own business ability.


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