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  本文关键词:陕西省农户借贷行为比较研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 农户 农村金融 借贷行为 比较研究

【摘要】:随着我国改革开放和经济的快速发展,“三农”问题的日益严峻性和解决“三农”发展问题的紧迫性不断成为社会各界的普遍共识。农村金融体系的建设和完善受经济社会发展水平的影响和制约外,还与“三农”发展及其金融需求的特点密切相关。作为农业和农村经济发展中最基本单位的农户,既是农村金融供给体系中的重要参与主体,也是对现有农村金融制度完善与否的判断者,还是发展农村经济的贡献者和受益者。因此,从农户需求的视角研究农户的金融需求、融资选择的特点和差异性问题,对以农户需求为导向,调整和完善现有农村金融市场体系,推进农村金融创新,进而探索符合农户借贷需求特征的金融产品,对提高农户资金需求满足程度,促进农村经济社会全面发展具有重要意义。 位于我国西部地区的陕西省,其经济发展相对落后,且正处于传统农业向现代农业转型的过渡时期,,随着劳动力、土地等生产要素的流动,农户专业化、兼业化和非农化现象日渐明显。因此把握好过渡时期农户借贷行为的特点和差异性,不仅能丰富和完善农户借贷问题的研究,而且为如何从农户需求层面探求欠发达地区农户分化过程中农村金融供给存在的主要问题和面临的发展机遇与挑战提供一定的理论支持。 基于以上研究背景和现阶段我国农村发展的实际需要,本文以陕西省农户借贷行为的比较为研究对象,在深入农户调查的基础上,通过运用多种统计分析方法比较分析陕西省农户借贷行为的差异性。本文首先对研究区域及样本农户特征进行了分析,并在此基础上分析了不同特征农户借贷需求行为、融资选择以及农户对正规金融市场和非正规金融市场的选择等的特点及差异性,并针对农户金融需求的分化现象,提出了整合各种涉农金融服务信息,对农户借贷需求进行分类管理以及以农户借贷需求为导向,推动农村金融创新,开发满足农户需求的金融产品,优化农户借贷行为推进农户经济社会发展的政策建议。 鉴于此,论文的主要研究内容如下: 第一章,导论。本章主要阐述选题的背景、意义、国内外研究现状、论文的研究思路、采用的主要方法、数据来源以及论文研究可能的创新之处。 第二章,农户借贷行为相关理论基础。结合农户行为、农户借贷等理论,分析了农户借贷行为差异的决定要素及现阶段农村金融供给的构成。 第三章,研究区域介绍及样本特征分析。对研究区域及样本农户的户主特征、家庭特征、生产经营特征、收支状况及农村金融供给市场特征等问题进行了分析,发现陕西省农户整体收入水平比较低,农户分化现象较为明显。运用随机前沿生产函数估计了陕西省农户生产技术效率以及不同特征变量对农户生产技术效率的影响。结果显示,陕西省农户平均生产技术效率为68.1%,生产技术效率与户主特征、劳动力和资金的投入方向(农业领域和非农业领域)以及农户所在地农村金融市场环境等因素均显著相关,且农村金融市场便利程度的改善可有效提高农户的生产技术效率。 第四章,陕西省农户借贷需求行为比较实证分析。对农户的借贷需求行为的比较进行了实证分析,其中涉及农户是否有借贷需求、需求类型及需求额度。发现69.5%的农户存在金融需求,户主特征、家庭特征、生产经营特征、收支状况以及农村金融供给市场等五大类10个因素对农户的金融需求有显著影响。农户的借贷需求类型中,生活消费型借贷在所有借贷需求中所占比例最高,达55.3%,其次是生产投资型借贷。户主特征(年龄、性别、外出务工经历)、农户收入情况(收入水平、主要收入来源)、农村金融市场环境特征等三大类七个因素对农户借贷需求类型的选择有显著影响。农户需求额度的比较中,农户的借贷额度以小额借贷为主,其中借贷需求额度在1万元(含)以下的农户占有借贷需求农户总数的61.4%。户主的受教育水平、农户收入水平和所在地到最近正规金融机构所需时间对农户借贷需求额度的选择影响显著。 第五章,陕西省农户融资选择行为比较实证分析。对农户的融资选择行为的比较进行了实证分析,其中包括农户对所期望的获取资金的来源及对金融供给主体的认知。结果发现,农户主观期望中仍以亲朋好友间“互助性”的无息借贷为主,所占比例达受访农户总数的八成以上。在有息借贷的选择中,则愿意优先选择中国农业银行、农村信用合作社等正规金融机构,农户对非正规农村金融机构的选择和参与均较少。农户对私人借贷在贷款的公平性、贷款期限、利率、手续、资金需求满足程度等方面的满意度高于其他借贷供给主体,而对正规金融机构在政策宣传、服务态度等方面满意度较高,对中国农业银行贷款政策、贷款期限方面的满意度较高,农户对其他商业银行的贷款额度、工作人员服务等方面满意度较高。 第六章,正规农村金融市场中农户融资路径的比较实证分析。对农户在正规金融市场上的融资行为的比较进行了实证分析。农户对参与正规金融市场借贷有着很强的积极性,但从正规金融机构获得贷款的比例较低、抵押品的缺失情况较为普遍。在现有利率下,不同特征的农户中,户主特征(性别、外出务工经历)、家庭特征(劳动力平均年龄)、主要收入来源、农村金融市场环境特征等对农户是否愿意从银行借贷的选择差异显著。在从正规金融机构贷款中,对不同借贷用途的贷款,农户能接受的最高利率差异显著。 第七章,非正规金融市场中农户融资路径比较实证分析。对农户在非正规金融市场上的融资行为的比较进行了实证分析。从高利贷和私人放贷人那里有息借款的农户所占比例很低。农户选择非正规金融借贷的原因主要是急用(快捷)、手续简便、期限灵活、利率合适等。而选择非正规借贷组织则是基于手续的方便快捷和贷款的可获得性。农户向亲朋好友借贷具有频率高、额度小、可获得性高、费用低的特点。农户从不同私人借贷供给处获得借款的交易成本差异较大。 第八章,优化农户借贷行为的政策建议。针对研究中发现的农户借贷行为的特点、差异性以及存在的问题,提出了构建农村金融服务信息平台,对农户借贷需求进行分类管理以及以农户借贷需求为导向推进农村金融创新,优化农户借贷行为的政策建议。 第九章,结束语。对论文的研究背景、主要研究发现、研究中存在的不足以及今后的研究展望进行了论述。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's reform and opening up, the urgency of the problem is becoming increasingly serious and solve the "three rural" development issues continue to become the consensus of the community. The construction of the rural financial system and improve the influence of the level of economic and social development and constraints, but also the characteristics and development of "three agriculture" and the financial the demand is closely related. As the most basic unit of agricultural and rural economic development of farmers, is an important subject in the financial system in rural areas, but also on the existing rural financial system is perfect or not the judge, but also is the development of rural economic contribution and beneficiaries. Therefore, from the perspective of farmers financial demand the characteristics of the problem and the difference of the demand, the choice of financing, to farmers demand-oriented, adjust and perfect the existing rural financial market system, promote rural financial innovation, so as to probe It is of great significance to improve the satisfaction of farmers' demand for funds and promote the overall development of rural economy and society.
Located in the western region of China's Shaanxi Province, the economic development is relatively backward, and is in a transitional period, the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture with labor, land and other production factors flow, specialization of farmers and non-agricultural industry, and the phenomenon is becoming more and more obvious. So a good grasp of the characteristics and differences of borrowing behavior during the transition period of farmers of study can not only enrich and improve the rural credit problems, and provide theoretical support for the development of opportunities and challenges from the farmers' demand level to explore the main problems in the rural financial supply of farmers differentiation in developed region and face.
The actual needs of the rural development of our country above research background and stage based on the borrowing behavior of rural households in Shaanxi province is as the research object, on the basis of household survey, the difference by using various statistical analysis methods, comparative analysis of Shaanxi province rural household borrowing behavior. This paper begins with the analysis of the study area and sample farmers the characteristics, based on the analysis of the borrowing needs of the farmers behavior of different characteristics, characteristics and differences of financing options and farmers on the formal and informal financial market selection, and according to the financial needs of farmers differentiation phenomenon, put forward the integration of various agriculture related financial services information, the borrowing needs of the farmers and classified management the farmers borrowing demand, promote rural financial innovation, the development of financial products to meet the needs of farmers, promote agricultural optimization of rural household borrowing behavior Policy proposals for the economic and social development of households.
In view of this, the main contents of this paper are as follows:
The first chapter is introduction. This chapter mainly expounds the background and significance of the topic selection, the research status at home and abroad, the research ideas, main methods, data sources and possible innovations of the paper.
The second chapter is about the theoretical basis of farmers' borrowing and lending behavior. Based on Farmers' behavior and farmers' borrowing theory, this paper analyzes the determinants of farmers' lending behavior differences and the composition of rural financial supply at the present stage.
The third chapter, analysis of regional and sample characteristics. The family characteristics of the study area and household characteristics, sample farmers, production characteristics, balance of payments and the supply of rural financial market characteristics are analyzed, found that the overall level of income of farmers in Shaanxi province is relatively low, the rural household differentiation phenomenon is more obvious. Using stochastic frontier production function estimation the impact of technical efficiency of farmers' production in Shaanxi province and different characteristics of technical efficiency of farmers' production. The results showed that farmers in Shaanxi province average technical efficiency is 68.1%, the production technical efficiency and the head of household characteristics, the direction of investment of labour and capital (agriculture and non agriculture and farmers) located in rural financial market environment and other factors significant correlation, and the rural financial convenience improvement can effectively improve the production efficiency of farmers.
The fourth chapter, analysis of Shaanxi Province farmers borrowing demand behavior. Empirical comparison of loan demand on the behavior of farmers through the empirical analysis, which relates to whether farmers borrowing needs, the demand amount of demand. And found that there are types of financial demand, 69.5% of the head of household characteristics, family characteristics, production characteristics, has a significant impact on the financial demand households' balance of payments and the supply of rural financial market and other five major categories of 10 factors. The borrowing needs of farmers in consumer lending in all loan demand in the highest proportion, up to 55.3% times, which is the production of investment lending. (age, gender, household characteristics of migrant workers, farmers income) (the level of income, the main source of income), rural financial market features such as the three major categories of seven factors have significant influence on the type of the borrowing needs of the farmers. The farmers demand amount of comparison In the household borrowing amount to small loans, the loan demand in the amount of 10 thousand yuan (including) the following farmer occupies total household demand for borrowing 61.4%. household education level, income level and location to the nearest time required for formal financial institutions borrowing demand amount of positive influence.
The fifth chapter, Shaanxi Province farmers' financing choice behavior an empirical analysis. Comparison of farmers' financing behavior were analyzed, including the source of funds for farmers to obtain the desired and the cognition of the subject of financial supply. The results showed that farmers' subjective expectation is based on "mutual friends" without interest lending, the proportion of the total number of households surveyed more than 80%. In the choice of interest lending, are willing to give priority to the Agricultural Bank Chinese, rural credit cooperatives and other formal financial institutions, and participation of farmers on the non formal financial institutions in rural areas are less. The choice of farmers on private lending in the fairness of the loan the term, interest rates, procedures, funds to meet the needs of the degree of satisfaction is higher than other loan supply main body, and the formal financial institutions on policy advocacy, service attitude and high satisfaction It has a higher degree of satisfaction with the Agricultural Bank of China's loan policy and loan maturity. Farmers have higher satisfaction with other commercial banks' loan quota and staff services.
The sixth chapter, an empirical analysis and comparison of farmers' financing path of formal rural financial market. Compared to the financing behavior of rural households in the formal financial market by empirical analysis. The farmers have a strong enthusiasm for participation in the formal financial market borrowing, but from the formal financial institutions to obtain loans is relatively low, lack of collateral is more common. In the existing rates, different characteristics of households, household characteristics (gender, migrant workers experience), family characteristics (the average age of labor), the main source of income, the rural financial market environment characteristics on Farmers' willingness to borrow from banks selecting significant differences. In loans from formal financial institutions, for different loan applications and loans, the highest interest rate difference between farmers can accept significantly.
The seventh chapter, analysis of farmers' financing path empirical comparison of informal financial market. In comparison to the financing behavior of rural households in the informal financial market on the empirical analysis of the private lending and usury. From the people there interest farmers low proportion. Farmers choose non formal financial reasons borrowing is mainly urgently (Kuai Jie), the procedure is simple, flexible term, interest rates and the choice of appropriate. The informal lending organization is convenient procedures for Kuai Jie and the availability of loans to farmers to relatives and friends. Based on borrowing has the advantages of high frequency, small amount, high availability, low cost. Farmers from different private lending supply for differences the loan transaction cost greatly.
The eighth chapter, the optimization of household borrowing policy suggestions. According to the characteristics of the behavior of farmers borrowing found in the study of the differences and problems, put forward the construction of information platform for rural financial services, the borrowing needs of the farmers classified management and farmers borrowing demand of rural financial innovation, optimize the farmers borrowing policy recommendations.
The ninth chapter, the end of the study, the research background of the paper, the main research findings, the shortcomings of the research and future research prospects are discussed.



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