本文关键词:交通银行内蒙古自治区分行电子银行业务营销战略研究 出处:《内蒙古大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:电子银行作为一种全新的银行理念和服务方式,已经对银行业的发展产生了极其重要的影响,并正在进一步的改变着银行业的服务方式、管理模式和竞争格局,使传统的银行业发生着一场革命性的巨大变革。电子银行业务以其开放性、实时性、互动性等特点,可以为客户量身定制全面、高效、稳定的理财及现金管理服务。电子银行业务在维护客户、提高客户依赖度方面发挥着非常重要的作用。 但与此同时,电子银行是一种全新的银行理念和服务方式,在发展中出现新情况、新问题,尤其是我国电子银行业务起步较晚、技术相对落后、发展相对滞后,由此而带来的新问题层出不穷,需要我们本着实事求是的态度去面对和解决。本文站在交通银行内蒙古自治区分行的角度,从自身情况介绍出发,使用PEST分析方法和SWOT分析方法,客观的分析了该行电子银行业务发展所处环境和分行电子银行业务发展中存在的问题。进而在此基础上从五个方面(目标市场选择、产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略)提出了交通银行内蒙古自治区分行电子银行业务的市场营销战略,以及实施措施。最终对推进交通银行内蒙古自治区分行电子银行业务的发展提出些有价值和可操作的建议。
[Abstract]:Electronic banking as a new concept of banking and service has had an extremely important impact on the development of banking and is further changing the banking service mode management mode and competition pattern. The traditional banking industry has undergone a revolutionary revolution. Electronic banking business, with its open, real-time, interactive and other characteristics, can be customized for customers, comprehensive and efficient. Stable financial and cash management services. Electronic banking plays a very important role in maintaining customers and increasing customer dependence. But at the same time, electronic banking is a new concept of banking and service mode, in the development of new situations, new problems, especially in China's electronic banking business started late, the technology is relatively backward. Relative lag in development, resulting in the emergence of new problems in endlessly, we need to face and solve the attitude of seeking truth from facts. This paper stands in the perspective of Bank of Communications Inner Mongolia Autonomous region Branch. From the introduction of its own situation, using PEST analysis method and SWOT analysis method. Objective analysis of the development of electronic banking business environment and branches of electronic banking business development problems, and then from this basis from five aspects (target market selection, product strategy, price strategy. The channel strategy and the promotion strategy) put forward the marketing strategy of the electronic banking business of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Bank of Communications. Finally, some valuable and operable suggestions are put forward to promote the development of the electronic banking business of the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Bank of Communications.
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