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  本文关键词:后危机时代日本对华直接投资问题及对策研究 出处:《东北财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 后危机时代 同本对华直接投资 对策

【摘要】:随着经济全球化的不断推进,作为国际资本流动的重要方式,外商直接投资已经成为了东道国发展经济的主要渠道之一。利用外资不仅可以解决东道国发展经济所面临的资金不足问题,而且还可以通过投资中产生的溢出效应,增强出口竞争能力,加快产业的升级优化,进而促进东道国经济稳定快速发展,外商直接投资在一国经济发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。 改革开放以来,中国一直将引进外商直接投资作为发展国内经济的一个重要措施。根据中国商务部公布的统计数据显示,2000-2011年,中国实际利用外资金额从2000年的407.15亿美元增加到2011年的1160.11亿美元,增长率达到184.9%。有效地引进和利用外商直接投资不仅可以解决中国在发展经济中所面临的资金不足问题,而且还能够有效增加就业,促进技术进步和产业升级,进而实现经济的快速、稳定、健康发展。日本作为中国重要的经贸伙伴一直是中国重要的外资来源国。日本对华直接投资始于1979年,至今已经历了30多年的发展历程。具体来看,在1992年以前日本对华直接投资较为缓慢,年平均投资额不到8亿美元。随着中国不断深入改革开放,特别是2001年中国加入WTO以后,中国不断优化的投资环境吸引了大量日资的进入,日本对华直接投资呈现出快速发展的态势,并在2005年达到历史的最高水平65.3亿美元,占中国吸收外商直接投资总额的10.8%。除去中国香港和英属维尔京群岛等自由贸易港之外,日本成为了中国第一大外资来源国。日资的进入在为中国经济发展提供充足资金的同时,也通过增加就业机会和提高技术和企业经营管理水平等方式促进中国经济稳定且高质量的发展。日本对华直接投资在中国经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。 2008年的全球金融危机对于美国乃至全球经济都是一次严重的冲击。由于日本与美国在金融与贸易领域关系密切,因而美国经济的恶化对日本经济也造成了严重的影响。金融危机后,日本经济也和世界其他经济体一样进入了漫长的经济恢复调整期,即进入了所谓的后危机时代。跨入后危机时代以来,日本对华直接投资出现的新特征和亟待解决的新问题值得我们进行深入研究,明确这些问题并积极探索解决对策对进一步促进日本对华直接投资从而保持中国经济的可持续发展具有重要的意义。 本文就是基于以上问题,围绕后危机时代日本对华直接投资的相关问题进行研究的,主要有七部分内容。第一章是引言部分,详细阐述了本文的研究背景和意义,并在归纳和总结国内外学者对日本对华直接投资相关研究成果的基础上提出了本文的研究方法和研究结构;第二章主要对当今经济领域的五个对外直接投资理论进行了详细阐述;第三章则主要回顾了日本对华直接投资的五个发展阶段;第四章则是在第三章的基础上分析总结了后危机时代日本对华直接投资在投资地位,投资动机,投资领域,投资地区和投资方式等方面的特点;第五章和第六章是本文的重点,第五章详细分析了后危机时代日本对华直接投资存在的主要问题,而第六章则是在此基础上针对这些问题提出了促进日本对华直接投资进一步发展的对策建议,并结合中日两国的经济形势对其发展前景展开预测分析。第七章则对全文内容进行了总结。
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, as an important way of international capital flows, foreign direct investment has become the main channel of the host country's economic development. The use of foreign capital can not only solve the problem of insufficient funds faced by the host country's economic development, but also to the spillover effects generated by investment, enhance export competitiveness and accelerate the optimization and upgrading the industry, and promote the rapid development of the economy of the host country, foreign direct investment plays a very important role in the economic development in a country.
Since the reform and opening up, Chinese has been the introduction of foreign direct investment as an important measure for the development of the domestic economy. According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Commerce Chinese display, 2000-2011, China actual use of foreign investment increased from $40 billion 715 million in 2000 to $116 billion 11 million in 2011, the growth rate of 184.9%. effectively the introduction and utilization of foreign direct investment is not only to solve the problem of insufficient funds Chinese faced in economic development, but also can effectively increase employment, promote technological progress and industrial upgrading, and realize rapid economic stability and healthy development. Chinese Japan as the important economic and trade partners is an important source of foreign investment China. Japan's direct investment in China began in 1979, so far has experienced 30 years of development. Specifically, in 1992 before the Japanese direct investment in China is relatively slow, the annual average Investment of less than $800 million China. With the deepening of reform and opening up, especially in 2001 Chinese after joining WTO, China constantly optimize the investment environment to attract the influx of Japanese, Japanese direct investment in China shows a trend of rapid development, and in 2005 reached a historical high of US $6 billion 530 million, accounting for the total foreign direct Chinese absorption the removal of 10.8%. Chinese investment in Hongkong and the British Virgin Islands and other free trade in Hong Kong, Japan became the first foreign country of origin. China into Japanese provides adequate funding for Chinese economic development at the same time, also by increasing employment opportunities and improve the level of technology and business management, promote the stability and high quality development Chinese economy. Japan's direct investment plays an important role in Chinese economic development.
The global financial crisis in 2008 for the United States and the global economy will be a serious impact. Because of Japan and the United States in the field of Finance and trade are closely related, and deterioration of the U.S. economy on the Japanese economy also caused a serious impact. After the financial crisis, the Japanese economy and the world's other economies have entered a long economic recovery period of adjustment, namely the so-called post crisis era. In the post crisis era, the new characteristic of Japanese direct investment in China and the emergence of new problems is worthy of our in-depth study and clarify these issues and actively explore solutions to further promote Japanese direct investment in China and maintain sustainable development is of great significance China economy.
This paper is based on the above problems, research on issues related to crisis era of Japanese direct investment in China around the seven main parts. The first chapter is the introduction, elaborated the research background and significance, and puts forward the research methods and structure of this paper based on concluding and summarizing the domestic and foreign scholars on this day direct investment in China on the relevant research results; the second chapter of the current economic field of five foreign direct investment theory in detail; the third chapter mainly reviews the five development stages of Japanese direct investment in China; the fourth chapter is in the third chapter, on the basis of analysis and summary of the post crisis era of Japan's direct investment in the investment status, investment motivation, investment field, characteristics of the area of investment and investment etc.; the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter is the focus of this article, the fifth chapter. Detailed analysis of the main problems in post crisis era of Japanese direct investment in China exists, the sixth chapter is on the basis of the analysis of these problems and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the further development of Japanese direct investment in China and Sino Japanese economic situation and the development prospects of development forecast analysis. In the seventh chapter I summarizes the contents of the text.



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