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发布时间:2018-01-14 18:33

  本文关键词:我国商业银行个人理财业务现状及对策研究 出处:《西南财经大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 商业银行 个人理财业务 现状 对策

【摘要】:近年来我国经济一直处于飞速发展的过程中,而经济的发展以及国际国内形势的不断变化也对我国的商业银行提出了新的挑战,即个人理财业务的发展迫切需要实现新的跨越。这一方面是由居民生活质量提高,财富不断增长所造成的。越来越多的我国人民步入了小康阶层,恩格尔系数不断下降,因此人们对剩余财富的使用也有了更多的要求,原来有的那些个人理财业务已经不能再满足现在的需要。另一方面,我国加入WTO以来,对外开放程度越来越高,随着整体经济水平的提高,越来越多的外资银行开始进入中国市场,他们的进入无疑对国内商业银行提出了新的挑战。因此,为了满足人们对个人理财产品的新要求,同时也为了在与外资银行的竞争中赢得更多市场份额,巩固自身的地位,我国商业银行不得不努力追求个人理财业务的新发展。 个人理财业务是指商业银行为个人客户提供的财务分析、财务规划、投资顾问、资产管理等专业化的服务。我国商业银行在个人理财业务这一板块起步较晚,尽管目前多家商业银行基本都已经拥有了一些个人理财产品,也有了一部分专门负责个人理财规划的工作人员,然而由于产生时间还太短并且整个经济环境以及银行自身对个人理财业务都有很多制约因素,仅仅处于探索阶段的商业银行个人理财业务还存在着相当多的问题。 首先,我国经济政治文化的大背景都不太利于个人理财业务的发展。目前我国金融业还处于分业经营的阶段,银行、证券和保险三大市场还处于并将长期处于各自割裂的状态,这就使得我国的客户资金只能在各自独立的体系内循环,无论是收益还是风险承担都是独立运作,商业银行根本无法利用其他两个市场的功能和优势来实现人民币个人理财产品的增值。商业银行个人理财业务在没有支撑的情况下步履维艰,资产组合方式单一,无法满足大客户的需求。另外,中国人民尤其是低端客户长期受到保守的理财思想限制,在各种投资方式中仍然钟情于银行储蓄业务,不愿意接受银行的各种理财产品。加上商业银行宣传引导上的缺陷,对小客户不重视的态度使得低端客户群对个人理财业务知之甚少,在完全不了解的情况下不愿意购买理财产品也是可以理解了。这样的背景环境给商业银行带来的结果就是个人理财业务的发展没有市场,没有了市场再好的营销手段也不能发挥其优势了。 第二,银行内部软件环境对个人理财业务的发展也有不小限制。一方面,我国银行业从业人员整体素质偏低,由于分业经营的问题,理财方面的从业人员还远远没有达到正规化、规模化、专业化的程度,其他部门临时抽调来兼职的情况非常普遍。但是商业银行个人理财业务所需要的不仅仅是货币市场专业人才,而是能将货币银行、金融市场、保险业甚至法律、税务、财政等各方面知识融会贯通的全能性人才。与国外目前已经有了专业的理财规划师这一情况相比,我国商业银行个人理财业务的人才缺口仍然很大,具备专业国际认证的理财工作人员更是少之又少。人员方面的极大限制,导致当前商业银行的个人金融理财业务更多的只是停留在帮助客户管理资产,根本谈不上大范围深层次的理财业务的开展;另一方面,我国商业银行的营销能力太低,营销意识太差,观念老旧。国内商业银行老一套的营销观念是小客户不算什么,大客户才重要,营销方法是不出门拉生意,坐等客户上门,营销手段单一不丰富。营销过程中太缺乏对客户的研究和互动,不关注客户的需求,从而向客户推荐的理财产品也不能满足客户的要求。这样的营销循环,结果就是失去客户,没有客户的需求就没有银行服务的基础,没有行业之间的良性竞争,也就无从谈起长久的发展之路。 第三,个人理财业务的限制性因素中还包括银行内部的硬件环境。国内商业银行的硬件设施和操作系统比较落后,网络操作系统的普及程度不高,金融产品更多的是简单复制,科技含量低。因此我国的大多数商业银行受到硬件条件的制约导致个人理财业务的创新力度不够,产品单一,同质化程度高,金融衍生品之间的结合很少,在很多需要专业技术的领域都还是一片空白。另外,硬件条件的不足还导致国内商业银行的宣传手段比较的落后和单一,无论是在宣传的途径上还是在宣传工具的运用上,无论在理念上还是在行动上都还有着很大的不足。由于无法改变行业固有的传统习惯,所以导致很多的创新跟不上,从而无法为客户提供更加便捷和准确的信息服务,也无从谈起对客户的量身定做的理财方案。 针对以上这些商业银行个人理财业务发展过程中面临的问题,本文提出了以下一些对策建议。 首先,针对我国金融市场分业经营阻碍个人理财业务发展这一政策性问题,我国商业银行应该逐渐尝试改变自身策略以求适应政府的各项经济政策,例如对现有的金融类产品进行合理的整合和调整,把其他各项业务进行合理综合利用,把保险、基金等相关业务在消费等环节进行合理流转,不断深入跨行业的合作,应和其他金融机构多多加强彼此之间的合作关系,从相互之间的代理关系转变成更为深入和广泛的战略合作关系,更加注重市场合作伙伴关系的开拓,采用多种多样的产品营销方式,将个人理财产品全面推进。实现商业银行和其他金融机构的双赢。 其二,对于银行内部从业人员总体素质不高的缺陷,由于人员队伍直接决定了个人金融服务发展的质量水平,要进一步发展个人理财业务无疑要加快提升从业人员的整体素质和专业技能,从目前的情况看来,一套适合我国国情的个人理财师的认证考核制度势在必行。在中国现在的大背景下,认证考核是相当重要的一环,尽管考核可能存在一定的漏洞和风险,但是这无疑是将对个人理财师的要求标准化的最佳办法。其次,要加强现有工作人员的业务能力的综合培训工作,力争培养出更多的复合型的金融人才。 其三,全面提升商业银行的营销能力。打破老一套的营销观念,不断创新营销手段,实施走出去战略,而不再一味等客户上门。主动出击的同时也要增强对客户的宣传和引导力度,与客户建立稳定的互相信赖和互相依存的关系,把正确的操作方法和理财理念传递给对方,帮助普通的投资者树立一个良好的投资习惯和理财意识,帮助潜在消费者去熟悉去学习这方面的综合基础知识,引导客户逐渐接受适合自己的个人理财产品。另外,在抓牢中小客户的同时也要跟家注重针对不同客户的个性化服务,对高端客户采用一对一的VIP服务,获得他们的长期支持。 最后,针对我国商业银行面临的硬件设施和操作系统落后的问题,一方面要加大各项投入,尤其是资金和技术投入。我国的商业银行应该更多的对金融网络的开发和铺建投入关注,以此来将强各银行之间的联动,也要丰富并升级自身的网络环境和条件,让业务的监管和流动更加的顺畅和无风险,促进银行个人理财业务走向稳定、快速、高效运营。另外,要通过完备商业银行自身的数据库来达到对客户信息的全面管理,更好的为客户的需求提供支持,为银行发展保驾护航,从外到内的把商业银行包装成一个网络信息化的银行,从而提高经营管理质量和水平。第二方面,针对银行个人理财产品的同质化问题,要加快理财产品的创新步伐,将个人理财产品建立在充分理解客户需求的基础上,进一步研究和分析客户的实际需要,对个人理财产品的创新要做到既要满足中低端客户的一般要求,又要重视高端客户的个性化要求,结合银行自身实际情况,结合市场需求,设计出具有更高技术含量的个人理财产品。 总之,我国商业银行个人理财业务也外国商业银行相比还有很大的一段差距,还需要我们继续去研究去探索去创新,结合不同的政策环境和自身特点来设计合理的个人理财产品,为我国个人理财业务的发展开拓一个广阔的空间和远大的前景。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's economy has been in the process of rapid development, and continuous development of economy and the change of domestic and international situation of commercial banks in China has brought new challenges, namely the development of personal financial services needs to achieve a new leap. This is enhanced by the quality of life of residents, growing wealth caused. More and more people in our country entered a well-off level, the Engel coefficient decreased, so people use of surplus wealth but also have more requirements, some of those original personal financial business has been unable to meet the needs of the present. On the other hand, since China's accession to the WTO, opening up more and more, with the improvement of the whole economic level, more and more foreign banks enter the market China, they no doubt enter the domestic commercial banks to put forward new challenges. Therefore, in order to meet people In order to win more market share and consolidate their position in the competition with foreign banks, our commercial banks have to strive for the new development of personal financing business.
Refers to the analysis of personal financial services, commercial banks for individual customers of financial planning, investment consulting, asset management and other professional services. China's commercial banks personal financial services started late in this sector, although a number of commercial banks have already had some personal financial products, but also have a some of the staff responsible for personal financial planning, but because time is too short and the whole economic environment and the bank's own personal financial business has many factors, just at the exploratory stage of the personal financial services of commercial banks still exist many problems.
Firstly, the development background of China's economic and political culture are not conducive to personal financial business. At present, China's financial industry is still in the stage of operation, banking, securities and insurance market is still in the three and will be in their long-term fragmented state, which makes our country the customer funds can only be in their circulation independent of the system, both the benefits and risks are operating independently, commercial banks can not use other features and advantages of the two markets to achieve personal financial products RMB appreciation. The personal financial services of commercial banks in said of an aged person without the support of the case, the portfolio of single, cannot meet the needs of customers. In addition, Chinese people especially low-end customers have long been conservative financial management ideas in a variety of ways of investment restrictions, still insist on bank deposit business, the bank is not willing to accept Financial products of commercial banks. With the defects of propaganda guide, do not pay attention to the small customer attitude makes low-end customer group about personal financial business knowledge, in full understanding of the situation is not willing to buy financial products is understandable. This background environment brings to commercial banks is the result of the development of the individual financial business there is no market, no market and good marketing can not play its advantages.
Second, the internal environment of Software Development Bank of the personal financial services are not limited. On the one hand, the overall low quality of China's banking industry practitioners, because the separate management problems, financial practitioners are far from standardized, scale, degree of specialization, transferred to other departments temporary part-time the situation is very common. But the personal financial services of commercial banks need more than just money market professionals, but the monetary, financial markets, insurance industry and even the legal, tax, financial and other aspects of knowledge and mastery of the all-round talents. Foreign has been compared to a professional financial planner, personal finance China's commercial banking business talent gap is still large, professional international certified financial staff is less and less. Limited personnel, when lead The commercial bank personal financial services to help customers more just stay in the management of assets, not to mention a wide range of deep financial business development; on the other hand, China's commercial bank's marketing ability is too low, poor awareness of the concept of marketing, the old domestic commercial banks. The old marketing concept is small the customer is not what is important, large customers, marketing method is not out of business, for customers, marketing methods are not abundant. So the lack of research and interactive marketing process for customers, do not focus on customer needs, to recommend to customers of financial products can not meet the requirements of customers. So the marketing cycle. The result is losing customers, no customer needs no bank service, no competition between the industry, there will be no long-term development.
Third, also includes the bank's internal hardware limitations of personal financial services. Hardware and operating system of domestic commercial banks is relatively backward, the popularity of the network operating system is not high, the financial product is more simple copy, low content of science and technology. Therefore restrict most commercial banks in China have led to the hardware conditions personal financial business innovation is not enough, a single product, a high degree of homogeneity, combined with the financial derivatives between the few, in many technical fields are still blank. In addition, a lack of hardware also led to domestic commercial banks propaganda means backward and single, whether in the way of publicity or in the use of propaganda tools, both in concept and in action are still a lot of problems. Due to the inherent change the industry's traditional habit, so Lead to a lot of innovation can not keep up with, so that it can not provide customers with more convenient and accurate information service, also can not speak of customized financial management plan for customers.
In view of the problems faced by these commercial banks in the development of personal financial services, the following suggestions are put forward in this paper.
First of all, based on China's financial market operation hinders the development of personal financial business of this policy, China's commercial banks should gradually change their strategies in order to adapt to the attempt of the government's economic policies, such as reasonable integration and adjustment of the existing financial products, the comprehensive utilization, reasonable business to other insurance the fund, and other related businesses are in reasonable transfer of consumption, the deepening of cross industry cooperation, should strengthen mutual cooperation relationship with other financial institutions a lot from the agent relationship into a more in-depth and extensive strategic cooperation partnership, pay more attention to the market development, the use of a variety of the way of marketing products, will comprehensively promote the personal financial products. To achieve a win-win situation of commercial banks and other financial institutions.
Second, for the defects of the overall quality of bank employees is not high, because the quality level of personnel directly determines the development of personal financial services, to further the development of personal financial services is to accelerate the upgrading of the overall quality of employees and professional skills, it seems from the current situation, it is imperative to set suitable for China's personal financial planner the certification examination system. In the background of Chinese now under the certification examination is a very important part of the assessment, although there may be some loopholes and risks, but this is undoubtedly the best way to personal financial management division of the standardization requirements. Secondly, comprehensive training to strengthen the existing operational capacity of the staff. Strive to cultivate more complex financial talents.
Third, to enhance the commercial bank's marketing ability. To break the old marketing concept, innovative marketing tools, implement the strategy of going out, rather than waiting for the customers. At the same time, the initiative to enhance customer awareness and guidance efforts, to establish stable relations of mutual trust and mutual dependence with customers, transfer the correct method of operation and management to help ordinary investors to establish a good investment habits and financial awareness, help the potential consumers to be familiar with the basic knowledge to synthesize4, guide customers gradually accepted for their personal financial products. In addition, in the grip of small and medium-sized customers also want to pay attention to personalized services for different customers, with one of the VIP services for high-end customers, for their long-term support.
Finally, aiming at the problem of backward hardware and operating system of China's commercial banks, on the one hand to increase the investment, especially investment in capital and technology. China's commercial banks should develop the financial network and build more attention, to the strong linkage between banks, should be rich and upgrade its network environment and conditions, make supervision and flow of business more smoothly and without risk, promote the personal financial services of banks to stable, fast, efficient operation. In addition, to complete the commercial bank's data base to achieve the comprehensive management of customer information, better customer demand to provide support. For the bank to escort the development, from the outside to the inside of the commercial bank is packaged into a network of information bank, so as to improve the quality and level of management. Second, according to the Bank of personal property The homogeneity of products, to accelerate the pace of innovation in financial products, personal financial products based on the full understanding of customer needs, further research and analysis of the actual needs of customers, so as to meet the general requirements of low-end customers on the innovation of personal financial products, but also attach importance to high-end customers with personalized requirements. The bank's actual situation, combined with the market demand, design of personal financial products with high technological content.
In short, personal financial business of commercial banks in China are compared with foreign commercial banks there is a long distance, we also need to continue to study to explore innovation, combined with different policy environment and their own characteristics to design personal financial products reasonable, for the development of personal financial business in China to open up a broader space and lofty in the future.



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