本文关键词:滨州农行学习型组织建设研究 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着科技与信息日新月异的发展,以智能化、网络化、电子化为特征的知识经济时代已经来临。金融信息化和全球化给我国传统的银行业带来巨大的冲击,全国各地不同背景、不同管理方式的大小商业银行如雨后春笋般成立起来,各家商业银行不得不面对更加激烈和残酷的行业竞争形势,而竞争的关键就是如何取得持久的生命力和发展潜力,解决这个问题有助于银行管理者提高内部管理水平,也有助于政府在银行业监管上采取更加科学的战略和行动。 学习型组织理论是当今最前沿的管理理论之一,因其强大的学习变革性、环境适应性和创新发展性等主要特征被国际现代企业奉行为管理宝典。近年来滨州农行在引进并创建学习型组织过程中,由于形式化、认识肤浅、没有先进经验可以借鉴等原因,没有真正建立起学习型组织,学习型组织管理理论的优势也没有充分得到发挥。 本文着眼于学习型组织理论的应用实践研究,使用实证研究法、案例分析法、规范定义法、文献研究法、对比分析法以及调查问卷等,围绕滨州农行建设学习型组织现状、问题、突出矛盾和障碍,紧密联系当前银行内、外环境,建立新理念,设计新结构,打造新流程,引进新机制,解决当前现实问题,发挥学习型组织理论在具体工作应用中的实践指导作用,达到正确创建学习型组织,提高变革能力,从而打造滨州农行核心竞争优势的目的。全文共分七章: 第一章引言首先介绍文章的研究背景及选题意义,并对研究方法和思路进行简单介绍,最后对本文的创新点进行归纳。 第二章对相关基本理论进行介绍,为后而的分析铺垫理论基础,对国内外研究进行对比评述,从中得到有益的启示和深刻的反思。从中可以看到我国学习型组织研究尚处于初级阶段。 第三章对滨州农行建设学习型组织进行分析,提出了滨州农行创建学习型组织存在的优点和缺陷,分析了受制因素。 第四章简介当前具有国际一流的加拿大帝国银行等三家学习型组织建设经验,为滨州农行建设学习型组织提供经验借鉴。 第五章结合实际工作,对农行滨州州市分行进行多角度设计分析,从机构设置、岗位设计、职能调整、业务流程再造等方面提出建设意见。 第六章实施基于学习型组织的管理机制建设,使学习型组织建设逐步走上不以任何人乃至领导者的意志为转移的运行轨道。 第七章由以上各章节论述自然引出本文的结论和展望。 本文在滨州农行建设学习型组织的实践应用研究中,创新点主要体现在以下几个方面: 第一,对三家国际前沿的学习型组织实践进行了理论总结,提出了自己评述观点,积极构建适合自己的学习型组织理论和实践体系。 第二,针对滨州农行实际,设计了滨州农行扁平组织构架、职能划分、适合社会环境的职位以及面向客户市场的业务流程,具有切实可行性和操作性。 第三,提出了滨州农行基于学习型组织的管理机制建设,使滨州农行真正成为自觉革新、不断发展的学习型银行。 由于多种原因,本文不可避免地受到一些局限,主要有: 第一,对国外先进的学习型组织理论的应用、以及对国际一流公司学习型组织经验的借鉴,由于国情不同,有些学习型组织设计的理解、应用和实施需要长期时间上的考验。 第二,滨州农行的管理模式可能更多受到农行总行和省分行的直接管理和要求,增加了学习性组织建设和实施的不确定性。 第三,由于实际业务与机构职能等随环境变化而不断迅速调整,因此本文没有过多地切入实际具体业务和职能部门的微观运转。
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology and change rapidly, with intelligent, networked and electronic characteristics of the era of knowledge economy has come. A huge impact of financial informatization and globalization to our traditional banking background, different country, different management of small commercial banks set up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, commercial banks have to face the competition more intense and brutal industry, and the competition is the key to achieve lasting vitality and developmental potential, help the bank managers to improve the internal management level to solve the problem, but also help take more scientific strategies and actions in the banking supervision from the government.
Theory of learning organization is one of the most advanced management theory, because of its powerful transformative learning, the main features of environmental adaptability and innovation in the development of international modern enterprise in the management canon. In recent years the Agricultural Bank of Binzhou in the introduction and the process of creating a learning organization, the formal, superficial understanding, no advanced experience can learn from, do not establish a learning organization, learning organization management theory's advantages are not fully play.
This paper focuses on the research on Application of learning organization theory, using the empirical research method, case analysis method, definition method, literature research method, comparative analysis method and the questionnaire, around the organization learning situation, the Agricultural Bank of China Binzhou branch construction problems, contradictions and obstacles, closely related to the current bank, the external environment, the establishment of a new the new concept, structure design, to create a new process, the introduction of new mechanisms to solve practical problems, play a role in guiding practice learning type organization theory in the specific application, to create a learning organization, to improve the ability to change, thereby creating a core competitive advantage of the Agricultural Bank of Binzhou. The thesis consists of seven chapters:
The first chapter is the introduction. First, it introduces the research background and the significance of the topic, and briefly introduces the research methods and ideas. Finally, it summarizes the innovation of this article.
The second chapter introduces the related basic theories, lays a foundation for the later analysis, makes a comparative review of the domestic and foreign research, and gets some useful inspiration and deep introspection. From this, we can see that the learning organization in China is still at the initial stage.
The third chapter analyzes the learning organization of Binzhou Agricultural Bank construction, and puts forward the advantages and defects of the establishment of learning organization in Binzhou Agricultural Bank, and analyzes the factors that are affected.
The fourth chapter introduces the experience of building three international learning organization such as Canadian Imperial Bank and so on. It provides experience for Binzhou Agricultural Bank to build learning organization.
The fifth chapter combines the actual work, carries on the multi angle design analysis to the Binzhou branch of the Agricultural Bank, and puts forward the construction suggestion from the aspect of the organization establishment, the post design, the function adjustment, the business process reengineering and so on.
The sixth chapter is to implement the management mechanism based on learning organization, so that the construction of learning organization will gradually move on the track without the will of anyone and even leaders.
The seventh chapter discusses the conclusions and prospects of this article from the above chapters.
In this paper, in the practice and Application Research of Binzhou Agricultural Bank Construction Learning Organization, the innovation points are mainly reflected in the following aspects:
First, summarize the practice of three international leading learning organizations, put forward their own views, and actively build their own learning organization theory and practice system.
Second, according to the actual situation of Binzhou Agricultural Bank, we designed the Binzhou Agricultural Bank's flat organization framework, function division, suitable for social environment and customer oriented market business process, which is practical and feasible.
Third, the construction of the management mechanism based on the learning organization of Binzhou Agricultural Bank has been put forward, which makes the Binzhou Agricultural Bank of agriculture truly become a self-conscious and constantly developing learning type bank.
Because of a variety of reasons, this article is inevitably limited to some, mainly:
First, the application of foreign advanced learning organization theory and the experience of learning organization of world-class company. Because of different national conditions, some learning organization's design understanding, application and implementation need long-term test.
Second, the management mode of Binzhou Agricultural Bank is more likely to be directly managed by the head office and provincial branches of the Agricultural Bank of China, which increases the uncertainty of the construction and implementation of learning organization.
Third, because of the fact that the actual business and institutional functions are changing rapidly with the environmental changes, this article does not go too far into the microscopic operation of the specific businesses and functional departments.
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