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发布时间:2018-01-18 08:44

  本文关键词:外商直接投资对我国三次产业结构及服务业内部结构的影响探析 出处:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 外商直接投资 三次产业结构 服务业内部结构 协整检验 误差修正模型

【摘要】:随着世界经济一体化步伐的不断加快,外商直接投资(FDI)作为国际投资的主要形式,对各国经济的影响日益显著。中国作为世界上引进外资最多的国家之一,已经成为国际产业转移的重要基地。FDI的大量流入一方面弥补了我国经济发展初期的资金和外汇等缺口,并通过技术外溢、竞争效应等提高了我国相关产业的国际竞争力;但另一方面我国在引资的过程中也存在外资产业结构低度化、产业结构同构化等负面效应,过于重视FDI数量的增长而相对忽视甄别其质量。合理引进和利用FDI是关系我国经济可持续发展的重要课题,研究FDI对我国产业结构产生的影响大小,以及如何在国际产业转移的浪潮中充分发挥FDI对我国产业结构调整升级的效应,减少FDI对我国产业的负面影响,是一项很适时的、具备较大理论价值和现实意义的研究。 本文以FDI的产业结构效应为研究对象,沿着“研究背景---理论和文献梳理---现状分析---实证研究---影响机理与途径---SWOT分析---政策建议”的逻辑结构组织全文。在系统梳理产业结构演变的一般规律以及FDI对产业结构影响的经典理论和相关文献的基础上,结合我国产业结构和FDI流向的特定国情,通过从FDI对和FDI对服务业内部结构两个维度的分析,采用协整检验方法并继而构建误差修正模型,探究FDI对我国产业结构长、短期影响的方向、大小以及机理,并在SWOT分析方法的基础上提出有针对性的对策措施。 本文的研究试图说明,FDI通过改变我国的投资和消费结构、技术转移和外溢效应、产业关联效应、竞争和示范效应等,在长期内有助于我国三次产业结构和服务业内部结构的优化升级;但由于外商在我国投资的过程中存在产业结构同构化等问题,FDI对我国产业结构的优化效应需要在较长的时间后才会显现。 据此,我国应在国际产业转移的大浪潮中扬长避短、趋利避害,及时采取正确而有力的措施,规避FDI对我国产业结构的负面影响并最大化其积极效应,包括注重外资质量、引导外资流向,健全市场竞争机制、转变政府管理模式,完善引资法制体系、改善引资软硬环境,提高本国产业转移承接能力、培育民族企业国际竞争力等。
[Abstract]:With the accelerating pace of world economic integration, foreign direct investment (FDI) is the main form of international investment. China is one of the countries that attract the most foreign capital in the world. FDI has become an important base for international industrial transfer. On the one hand, the inflow of FDI has made up for the gap of capital and foreign exchange in the initial stage of economic development in China, and through technology spillover. The competitive effect has improved the international competitiveness of China's related industries. But on the other hand, in the process of attracting foreign investment, there are negative effects such as low degree of industrial structure of foreign capital, isomorphism of industrial structure and so on. Paying too much attention to the increase of FDI quantity and neglecting the quality of FDI reasonably introducing and utilizing FDI is an important subject related to the sustainable development of Chinese economy. This paper studies the influence of FDI on China's industrial structure, and how to give full play to the effect of FDI on the adjustment and upgrading of China's industrial structure in the tide of international industrial transfer. It is a timely, theoretical and practical study to reduce the negative impact of FDI on Chinese industry. This paper takes the industrial structure effect of FDI as the research object. Research background-Theory and Literature combing-present situation Analysis-empirical Research-influence Mechanism and approach-SWOT Analysis-Policy recommendations. On the basis of systemically combing the general law of the evolution of industrial structure and the classical theory and relevant literature about the influence of FDI on industrial structure. Combined with the specific situation of China's industrial structure and FDI flow direction, through the analysis of the two dimensions of service industry internal structure from FDI pair and FDI, the co-integration test method is adopted and then the error correction model is constructed. This paper probes into the direction, magnitude and mechanism of the long and short term influence of FDI on China's industrial structure, and puts forward some countermeasures based on the SWOT analysis method. This paper attempts to explain FDI by changing our investment and consumption structure, technology transfer and spillover effect, industrial correlation effect, competition and demonstration effect, and so on. In the long run, it will help to optimize and upgrade the industrial structure and the internal structure of the service industry. However, due to the problems of industrial structure isomorphism in the process of foreign investment in China, the optimization effect of FDI on China's industrial structure will only appear after a long time. Therefore, our country should take correct and effective measures to avoid the negative influence of FDI on our industrial structure and maximize its positive effect. It includes paying attention to the quality of foreign capital, guiding the flow of foreign capital, perfecting the market competition mechanism, changing the government management mode, perfecting the legal system of attracting foreign investment, improving the soft and hard environment of attracting foreign investment, and enhancing the ability of domestic industry transfer to undertake. Cultivate the international competitiveness of national enterprises and so on.


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