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  本文关键词: 证券公司 经纪业务 营销策略 出处:《中南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国加入WTO,证券行业的开放也是大势所趋,其发展同时面临着来自国际和国内的竞争压力。一方面,外资可直接参股或组建合资证券公司给国内证券公司的经营造成了巨大的冲击,这种现象对国内一些不具有业务创新、人才竞争和市场营销竞争优势的证券公司来说尤为明显。另一方面,证券经纪业务所面临的竞争对手正呈逐步扩大趋势。随着商业银行、资产管理公司以及信托公司等进入证券行业经营,先前的垄断经营地位面临着更多更大的挑战。而这种现象所导致的结果是证券经纪业务即将面临竞争更激烈、收入及利润也就更微薄的发展趋势。在这种经营形势发展不利、讨价还价能力下降、利润更微薄、卖方市场进入买方方市场的情况下,如何提高营业部自身的服务质量,以便更好地经营证券经纪业务就成为每个证券公司要思考的课题,为此,引入更为先进和符合营业部实际情况的营销理念就显得尤为重要和迫切。 A证券公司是一家全国性综合类A类AA级证券公司,其下属的长沙营业部位于长沙市中心的繁华地带,经纪业务已有16年的发展历史。随着营业部内外部环境的复杂变化,营销团队营销理念需适时更新、产品竞争力需进一步加强、客户关系也需更更好的开发和维护。为此,论文以SWOT环境分析理论、产品生命周期理论、关系营销理论为基础,对长沙营业部的内外部环境、产品竞争力进行了分析,并通过问卷调查的方式初步掌握和分析了长沙营业部与其有效客户之间的关系状态。由此制定并形成了长沙营业部经纪业务的具体营销策略,并指出为保证营销策略的正确实施,营业部需要在优化管理机构、加大人才培养、以及搭建客户服务平台、风险控制等组织制度管理方面提供相应保障。本文的研究,为A证券公司长沙营业部经纪业务的营销策略的形成和组织实施提供了有用参考。
[Abstract]:With China's entry into the WTO, the opening up of the securities industry is also the trend of the times, its development is also facing the international and domestic competition pressure. On the one hand. The foreign capital can directly participate in the stock or form a joint venture securities company to the domestic securities companies caused a huge impact on the operation of this phenomenon to some of the domestic business innovation. On the other hand, the competitors facing the securities brokerage business are gradually expanding. With the commercial banks. When asset management companies and trust companies enter the securities industry, the previous monopoly position faces more and greater challenges. The result of this phenomenon is that the securities brokerage business is about to face more competition. The development trend of the income and profit is even smaller. In the case of this kind of business situation is unfavorable, the bargaining power is reduced, the profit is lower, the seller's market enters the buyer's market. How to improve the service quality of the business department in order to better manage the securities brokerage business has become a topic that every securities company should consider. The introduction of more advanced and in line with the actual situation of business marketing concept is particularly important and urgent. A Securities Company is a national comprehensive A class A class AA securities company, its subsidiary of Changsha business department is located in the downtown area of Changsha. Brokerage business has been developed for 16 years. With the complex changes of the internal and external environment of the sales department, the marketing concept of marketing team needs to be updated in due time, and the product competitiveness needs to be further strengthened. Customer relationship also needs better development and maintenance. Therefore, this paper based on SWOT environment analysis theory, product life cycle theory, relationship marketing theory, the internal and external environment of Changsha business department. The competitiveness of products is analyzed. And through the way of questionnaire survey, the paper preliminarily grasps and analyzes the relationship between Changsha business department and its effective customers, and then formulates and forms the specific marketing strategy of Changsha business brokerage business. And points out that in order to ensure the correct implementation of marketing strategy, the business department needs to optimize management institutions, increase the training of talents, and build a customer service platform. The research of this paper provides a useful reference for the formation of marketing strategy and organization of brokerage business in Changsha, a securities company.


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