本文关键词: 小区金融 战略价值 分析型CRM模型 市场潜力 SWOT分析 出处:《天津大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of the acceleration of domestic interest rate marketization, the traditional Chinese banks not only have to face the competition pressure from foreign banks. It is also necessary to guard against the adverse effects of the sudden emergence of Internet finance on the loss of deposits in recent years. The intensification of competition has forced the Chinese banking industry to make changes in this vast army of banks. Minsheng Bank has long been known for its rapid adaptation to the market, she quickly adopted a small financial strategy, from the source firmly grasp customers, occupy the market. This paper introduces the development course of American community bank and the points that can be used for reference. Show the differences between Wells Fargo and then explain Minsheng Bank's efforts in the development of community finance and the achievements made today. Based on the detailed analysis of Minsheng Bank's district finance by using SWOT analysis strategy, this paper uses two quantitative analysis indicators to evaluate the strategic value of residential finance to Minsheng Bank. According to the sampling data and annual report data, the contribution of district finance to Minsheng Bank's overall ROE and ROA is calculated. In addition, in the analysis of customer value, the use of analytical CRM model to find community financial target value customers, so as to provide supporting services to the relevant groups. This study also discusses the potential of Minsheng Bank to develop district finance from the five dimensions of national laws and regulations, the market environment of residential finance, the supporting products and services of Minsheng Bank, competitor analysis and customer behavior selection. Through the detailed analysis, it makes clear the strengths and shortcomings of Minsheng Bank to develop the district financial business, the future development direction and the key point. Community finance is of great value to the development of banks both in reality and in the future. Minsheng Bank still has a lot of potential untapped in community finance. In the future, it can be developed as another blue sea market. Based on the above analysis and the advanced experience of developing community banks in developed countries, this paper puts forward five suggestions for Minsheng Bank to develop district finance strategy. I hope Minsheng Bank can take corresponding measures according to its own actual situation to actively promote the development of district finance. To create wealth for the banks at the same time can benefit the people. This paper shows the real situation of the financial development of Minsheng Bank. Select the representative of Minsheng Bank Suzhou Branch of the typical district of financial convenience store cases and data, using theoretical analysis and quantitative analysis of the method of combining the real and potential value of Minsheng Bank district finance. This paper expounds the potential market of Minsheng Bank's district finance, thinks that Minsheng Bank's promotion of district finance strategy is of great significance to its future development, and puts forward some suggestions combined with the actual development situation of Minsheng Bank. In order to promote the Minsheng Bank District Finance more prosperous development, promote the development of our community banks.
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