本文关键词: 农村商业银行 SWOT分析 零售银行 发展战略 出处:《中南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:深圳农村商业银行是在原深圳市农村信用合作联社基础上组建起来的农村合作金融机构,是深圳地区农村金融的重要力量。自2005年12月成立以来,该行经营稳健,业绩逐年增长,获得了一定的发展。但是由于历史和现实的原因,该行面临着市场空间被压缩、发展方向和目标仍不明晰,缺乏可持续发展动力等问题。面对不断变化的外部环境和日益激烈的竞争环境,深圳农村商业银行亟需结合外部环境和自身资源条件制定企业战略,通过明晰市场定位,寻找企业发展的目标市场和切入点,使企业获得良好的生存环境和竞争优势。 本文首先对战略管理相关理论以及商业银行战略管理理论的演进和发展进行了回顾与综述,从理论上探讨了我国商业银行的发展模式。进而运用五力模型等分析方法对深圳农村商业银行面临的战略环境和内部资源进行了全面分析。在此基础上,结合公司使命、愿景和战略定位,通过构建SWOT分析模型,确定了深圳农村商业银行的总体发展战略,明确了目标市场和客户,提出了以精品社区零售银行为定位,立足社区企业、小微企业、社区居民和优质农户,以深圳为中心,服务泛珠三角地区县域经济,服务“三农”的思路。制定了相应的市场开发战略、产品开发战略、营销战略和人力资源战略,并提出了战略得以顺利实施的保障措施。
[Abstract]:The Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank is a rural cooperative financial institution founded on the basis of the former Shenzhen Rural Credit Cooperation Association. It is an important force in rural finance in Shenzhen. Since its establishment in December 2005, the bank has been operating steadily. However, due to historical and practical reasons, the bank is faced with a compressed market space, and the direction and objectives of the development are still unclear. Facing the ever-changing external environment and increasingly fierce competition environment, the Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank urgently need to combine the external environment and its own resource conditions to formulate the enterprise strategy, through the clear market positioning, To find the target market and entry point for the development of enterprises, so that the enterprises can obtain a good living environment and competitive advantage. First of all, this paper reviews and summarizes the related theories of strategic management and the evolution and development of the theory of strategic management of commercial banks. In this paper, the development mode of commercial banks in China is discussed theoretically. Then, the strategic environment and internal resources of rural commercial banks in Shenzhen are analyzed comprehensively by using the five forces model and other analytical methods. On this basis, combined with the mission of the company, the paper analyzes the strategic environment and the internal resources of the rural commercial banks in Shenzhen. By constructing the SWOT analysis model, this paper determines the overall development strategy of Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank, defines the target market and customers, and puts forward that the best quality community retail bank is the positioning, based on community enterprises, small and micro enterprises. Community residents and high quality farmers, with Shenzhen as the center, serve the county economy in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region and serve the "three rural areas". The corresponding market development strategy, product development strategy, marketing strategy and human resource strategy are formulated. And put forward the safeguard measure that the strategy can carry out smoothly.
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