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发布时间:2018-02-24 18:41

  本文关键词: 资本充足率监管 银行资本 风险行为 商业银行 出处:《重庆大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:银行是一国经济最重要的金融中介,各国政府为了金融的稳定与经济的发展,密切关注银行业的监督管理问题,银行监管的核心是资本充足率监管。资本充足率监管是金融监管部门强制性的对商业银行实行资本充足率衡量标准,督促其保持适当的资本水平,限制其过度风险扩张行为,从而保持金融体系稳定的一种有效监管手段。由于银行存款保险的缺陷、道德风险、信息不对称和外部效应等原因,资本充足率作为一种控制银行风险的手段被引入银行监管。我国于2004年颁布了《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》,标志着我国银行资本监管步入严格资本充足率监管阶段,基于此本文通过对资本充足率监管与银行资本和风险行为进行分析探索,总结经验,改善监管政策,提高监管有效性。 论文首先对银行资本监管的相关理论和实证文献进行了较全面的梳理,说明巴塞尔协议中资本充足率监管的发展历程,分析了我国商业银行资本充足率监管的现状,然后立足于我国银行业环境和监管环境,运用我国银行的相关数据采用3SLS法,考虑资本监管顺周期、银行规模、银行资本收益率、资本监管压力、不良贷款率等因素,实证分析了我国资本充足率监管对商业银行资本和风险行为的影响。并且实证分析了金融危机对我国资本监管的影响。 研究发现,《办法》颁布以后,我国商业银行资本充足率水平有了很大提高,基本都达到了最低监管要求。资本监管对银行资本提高影响明显,对银行风险影响不显著;银行规模与资本变动负相关,资本规模大的银行更易于进入资本市场筹集资本,但规模大的银行更容易调整资产风险水平。银行盈利水平对资本变动影响不显著。不良贷款对银行风险行为有抑制作用。流动性对银行资本变化影响不显著,对银行风险水平有促进作用;银行所有权性质对银行资本和风险有较大影响。且我国银行资本监管存在顺周期效应。 通过对金融危机发生前后资本监管对银行资本水平和风险水平的影响,发现危机发生之后,银行资本水平的调整速度是危机发生之前调整速度的两倍,金融危机在促使银行调高资本充足率的同时,减弱了银行的风险承担。这与监管当局为了在金融危机冲击下维持银行系统稳定性增加监管压力的初衷一致。
[Abstract]:Banks are the most important financial intermediaries in a country's economy. For the sake of financial stability and economic development, the governments of various countries pay close attention to the supervision and management of the banking industry. The core of bank supervision is the supervision of capital adequacy ratio, which is a mandatory measure of capital adequacy ratio for commercial banks, which urges them to maintain appropriate capital level and limit their excessive risk expansion. This is an effective regulatory tool to maintain the stability of the financial system. Due to the defects of bank deposit insurance, moral hazard, information asymmetry and external effects, Capital adequacy ratio, as a means to control bank risk, was introduced into bank supervision. In 2004, China promulgated the measures for the Management of Capital adequacy ratio of Commercial Banks, which indicates that China's banking capital supervision has stepped into the stage of strict capital adequacy ratio supervision. Based on this, this paper analyzes and explores the capital adequacy ratio and the bank capital and risk behavior, summarizes the experience, improves the supervision policy, and enhances the effectiveness of supervision. Firstly, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the relevant theories and empirical literature, explains the development of capital adequacy regulation in Basel Accord, and analyzes the current situation of capital adequacy regulation in commercial banks in China. Then based on the banking environment and regulatory environment of our country, using the relevant data of Chinese banks to adopt 3SLS method, considering the pro-cycle of capital supervision, the scale of banks, the rate of return on bank capital, the pressure of capital supervision, the ratio of non-performing loans, and so on. This paper empirically analyzes the influence of the capital adequacy ratio regulation on the capital and risk behavior of commercial banks, and analyzes the financial crisis's influence on the capital supervision in China. It is found that after the promulgation of the measures, the level of capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks in China has been greatly improved, basically meeting the minimum regulatory requirements. The capital supervision has a significant impact on the increase of bank capital, but not on the risk of banks. The size of banks is negatively correlated with capital changes, and banks with large capital size are more likely to enter the capital market to raise capital. But large banks are more likely to adjust asset risk levels. Bank profitability has no significant impact on capital movements. Non-performing loans have an inhibitory effect on bank risk behaviour. Liquidity has no significant impact on bank capital changes. The property of bank ownership has great influence on bank capital and risk, and China's banking capital supervision has pro-cyclical effect. Through the influence of capital supervision on the capital level and risk level of banks before and after the financial crisis, it is found that after the crisis, the adjustment speed of bank capital level is twice as fast as that before the crisis. The financial crisis, which prompted banks to raise their capital adequacy ratios, reduced banks' exposure to risk, consistent with regulators' intention to increase regulatory pressure to maintain the stability of the banking system under the financial crisis.


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