本文选题:美元循环 切入点:美元本位 出处:《世界经济研究》2010年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the current international monetary system, the international circulation mode of US dollar interacts with the characteristics of world economy. Based on the discussion of the international circulation mechanism of US dollar, cointegration test and causality test are used in this paper. The generalized impulse response function and other time series methods are used to examine the relationship between the US foreign debt and the current account. The results show that since the middle of 80s of the 20th century, the US dollar has flowed into the world in the form of a current-account deficit. And flow back to the United States by buying dollar bonds and dollar financial assets, forming a chain of international dollar cycles that depend largely on the sustainability of the dollar standard. And in the long run facing more and more severe challenges and then unsustainable.
【作者单位】: 武汉大学世界经济系;
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