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发布时间:2018-03-28 21:29

  本文选题:上市商业银行 切入点:动态竞争力 出处:《西南大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:本论文是关于我国上市商业银行动态竞争力影响因素的实证研究。在我国以银行业为主导的金融体系中,商业银行动态竞争力的效率直接影响和制约着中国经济、金融的变革和良性成长。为了科学把握商业银行动态竞争力的影响因素及现状问题,并针对性地提出建议,有必要对我国上市商业银行动态竞争力影响因素进行深入总结和分析。本文在深入考察中国银行竞争力和国内外相关研究基础之上,通过系统回顾和借鉴企业竞争力理论、金融可持续发展理论、动态能力理论和金融创新理论,从可持续和动态视角界定了商业银行动态竞争力的基本范畴和研究范围,多角度、规范性地定义和分析了我国上市商业银行动态竞争力的构成要素和影响因素,并建立了商业银行动态竞争力的分析与评价框架。在此基础上,用我国十四家上市商业银行20082010年的面板数据进行了实证分析,检验了我国上市商业银行竞争力现状和关键影响因素,从理论和实践的角度提出了商业银行动态竞争力的内容和提升路径,并以促进商业银行改革“转型”和可持续发展为目标,最后提出了有针对性的建议。 一、论文的基本结论 1、2008年以来动态的外部环境已经成为我国商业银行生态环境的主要特征,构建动态竞争力成为我国上市商业银行的必然选择。 通过对我国商业银行发展与改革的历程回顾,发现2008年以前我国商业银行在规模快速扩张的同时也暴露出了经营同质化严重、风险管理水平低下、缺乏有效竞争的问题。随着2009年全球金融危机的爆发和中国经济体制转型的加快,市场需求与技术水平提升的级数效应,我国商业银行经营过程中的环境稳定性逐渐减弱、不确定性程度日趋加强,动态性外部环境要求我国上市商业银行对“转型”不再只是停留在纸上理论探讨,而应成为各家上市商业银行的实际行动和突围方向。而本文提出的商业银行动态竞争力理论将抽象、不可测量的动态环境转换为相对具体的和可操作的银行业动态机制,其内容是:建立一套存在于银行组织机制中的动力机制、学习机制和匹配机制。 2、我国银行业在此轮金融“转型”中正在重构竞争力格局,资本集约型增长模式、业务空间扩展、风险管理和组织构架的建设成为当今银行业创新可持续发展的关键。 2008年全球金融危机以来,我国加大了经济发展方式转变和产业结构调整的力度,“转型”这一外部环境的变化也影响到了中国商业银行自身的战略选择——让银行的发展模式从原先的规模扩张性发展转向讲求财务成本、注重资本节约的集约式增长和进行业务结构重组。故本文从三维结构观中银行产业层面出发,统计比较2008年-2010年十四家上市商业银行主要财务指标的环比增长率,得出了我国银行业按竞争力水平聚类分析得到的三个层次,并分别对银行层面的资本、组织和业务的竞争力现状进行了分析。 3、对我国商业银行层面的实证研究找到动态竞争力影响因素的主要因子及主要影响指标。 实证检验结果显示:资本经营能力因子、总量规模因子、盈利性因子、流动性因子和安全性因子是我国商业银行动态竞争力影响因素的主要因子,并呈现出以工商、建设和中国银行评级优秀,向股份制银行评级递减的趋势。面板数据回归分析找到了各因素间关键指标的影响方向及量化影响程度,主要影响指标为:资产收益率、资产利用率、存贷率份额、不良贷款率和每股收益。回归分析中看到资产收益率、平均总资产回报率和资本利用率的系数值大于其他指标,说明盈利能力是影响上市银行竞争力的关键。然而,这些实证数据只是在微观面量化银行资源和能力的影响因素,构建完整的商业银行动态竞争力理论还应与银行内部动态机制和外部环境相结合。 4、商业银行动态竞争力研究的终极目标是实现银行业资源配置的效率和可持续发展,故应通过银行业自身管理和外部环境相结合来制定动态竞争力策略。 商业银行动态竞争力研究的目标是在动态环境中银行获取持续的竞争优势,首先银行业自身应建立动态机制,构建动力机制、学习机制和匹配机制;其次根据动态竞争力影响因素的实证分析,提高商业银行盈利与风险管理水平,从业务结构转型到客户结构转型,找到与自身实力相称、彰显自身特色的市场定位;最后,结合银行业的外部环境,突出我国商业银行可持续发展与法律、政府规制、经济金融发展与技术的配合。 二、论文的政策建议 1、商业银行转型之际,提升金融系统的创新能力尤为紧迫 理论上创新包括技术创新和非技术创新,非技术创新又包括组织创新、市场创新、管理创新和机制创新。在中国转变经济发展方式及银行业转型过程中,银行业竞争格局面临重构,商业银行应把握发展机遇并进行有效创新,不仅要在技术层面对产品和服务进行创新设计,注重研发能力,加强研发团队;更应在非技术层面注重银行业经营模式、管理架构和业务流程的创新,并且对银行家的创新能力也应提出更高的要求。最终商业银行用创新来实现转型,支持银行业发展,提升金融系统的创新实力。 2、以动态竞争力机制为核心来提升商业银行竞争力 商业银行动态竞争机制包括动力机制、学习机制和匹配机制三方面内容。构建动力机制就是要在内、外部环境共同作用下营造先进的企业文化,制定科学合理的激励机制,使商业银行向学习型组织迈进,形成员工互动的共享性学习平台,用学习与经验来指导现实的组织管理。构建匹配机制加强信息系统、风险预警系统和快速反应柔性系统的建设,通过面向服务的架构,对银行信息系统加以整合,促进银行业务与技术的融合。 3、微型金融服务应提升到战略高度 随着利率市场化压力的逐步增大和直接融资的迅速发展,只为大企业提供金融服务的道路愈发狭窄,中小企业和个人客户未来势必成为商业银行主要的客户群体。为此,商业银行应当面对中小企业和个人客户多开发一些金融产品,完善金融服务,将中小企业业务纳入未来发展战略。 4、提高商业银行风险管理水平 后危机时代商业银行应密切关注房地产市场和地方融资平台风险,注重风险管理与业务增长之间的平衡,关注风险调节之后的收益水平。2008-2009年商业银行大量投放的地方融资平台贷款期限相对较长,不良贷款短期大量暴露的可能性不大,但未来可能周期性地形成一定不良贷款压力;2010年以来房地产新政的出台和实施,房地产市场大幅调整带来的风险应保持短期警觉。商业银行应提高风险管理要求,增加对业务风险的把控程度,将风险管理与内部控制相互渗透并结合起来,统筹考量各类风险水平及相互影响。 三、论文的主要创新 1、本文以我国上市商业银行的竞争力为研究对象,探索性地构建动态竞争力理论。在原有静态竞争力分析中,引入动态机制、学习机制和匹配机制,初步建立动态竞争力的理论研究框架,使抽象概念落实到具体层面。 2、在研究视角上,重视动态和结构分析,从纵向和横向两个层次展开。纵向层次重在研究时间的连续性,依据2008-2010年上市商业银行披露的年报建立环比数据;横向层次重在从结构三维立体视角展开,充分考虑到产业、企业和环境三个层面对商业银行竞争力的影响,这两条线索一直贯穿全文的思想。 3、实证分析中除了对三年上市银行竞争力进行评价排序外,还特别将评价排名作为因变量,进行而板数据分析找到影响银行层面动态竞争力的变量,即关键财务指标,以此制定明确有效的竞争策略。
[Abstract]:This paper is an empirical research on the factors of China's listed commercial banks in our country. The influence of Dynamic Competitiveness of the bank dominated financial system, the efficiency of Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks directly influences and restricts the Chinese economy, financial reform and healthy growth. In order to grasp the dynamic factors of scientific competitiveness of commercial banks and the problem, and put forward the suggestion, it is necessary to factors of China's listed commercial banks competitiveness dynamic impact in-depth summary and analysis. In this paper Chinese bank competitiveness and related basic research at home and abroad, through a systematic review and reference of the theory of enterprise competitiveness, financial sustainable development theory, dynamic capability theory and the basic theory of financial innovation. The category and scope of research, from the sustainable and dynamic perspective defines the Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks in the multi angle, normative set And analyzes the factors of Dynamic Competitiveness of listed commercial banks in China and the influence factors, and established the dynamic analysis and evaluation of the competitiveness of commercial banks. Based on this framework, makes an empirical analysis with panel data of fourteen listed commercial banks in China for 20082010 years, to test the factors of China's Listed Commercial banks competitiveness and the key influence, from the perspective of theory and practice put forward the Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks and the content of path, and to promote the reform of commercial banks "transformation" and the goal of sustainable development, and finally puts forward some targeted recommendations to.
First, the basic conclusion of the paper
In recent 12008 years, the dynamic external environment has become the main feature of our commercial bank's ecological environment. Building dynamic competitiveness has become an inevitable choice for China's listed commercial banks.
Through the process of China's commercial banks reform and development review, found that before 2008, the Commercial Bank of our country at the same time, the rapid expansion of the scale also exposes the business homogenization of serious, low level of risk management, lack of effective competition. With the 2009 global financial crisis and the transformation of economic system Chinese accelerate the effect of market series demand and enhance the level of technology, environmental stability and operation process of China's commercial banks gradually weakened, the degree of uncertainty is gradually strengthened, the dynamic external environment of China's listed commercial banks to "turn" not only on paper theory discussion, but should become the commercial banks listed on the action and breakthrough direction. The theory of Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks and the abstract, dynamic environment can not be measured into a relatively specific and operable dynamic banking State mechanism, its content is: to establish a set of dynamic mechanism, learning mechanism and matching mechanism in the banking organization mechanism.
2, China's banking industry is restructuring its competitiveness in this round of financial transformation. Capital intensive growth mode, business space expansion, risk management and organizational structure construction become the key to the sustainable development of banking industry today.
Since the 2008 global financial crisis, China has increased the transformation of economic development mode and structural adjustment efforts, "change" the external environment will affect the strategic choice of its China commercial banks -- let the bank development mode from the original expansion of development to emphasize the financial cost, pay attention to intensive capital saving the growth and business restructuring. Therefore this article from the view of the three-dimensional structure of the banking industry in terms of the main financial indicators of statistical comparison between 2008 -2010 fourteen listed commercial banks than the growth rate, the banking industry in China is analyzed from three levels obtained according to the level of competitiveness of cluster, and were on the banks of the capital. The competitive status of the organization and business.
3, the main factors and main impact indicators of the dynamic competitiveness factors are found by the empirical research on the level of commercial banks in China.
The empirical results show that: the capital operation ability factor, scale factor, profitability factor, liquidity factor and safety factor is the Dynamic Competitiveness of China's commercial banks the main factors affecting factors, and presents to industry and commerce, construction and China bank rating of outstanding, descending to the joint-stock bank ratings regression analysis found the trend. Among the key indicators of the impact direction and quantify the degree of influence of panel data, main effect indicators: return on assets, asset utilization rate, loan share, non-performing loan ratio and earnings per share. See asset returns in the regression analysis of average total assets utilization rate and the capital value is greater than the other indicators, which indicates that the profit the ability is the key to influence the competitiveness of listed banks. However, these empirical data only in the influencing factors of micro quantitative bank resources and ability, build a complete business The theory of the Dynamic Competitiveness of the bank should also be combined with the internal dynamic mechanism and the external environment of the bank.
4, the ultimate goal of the Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks is to achieve the efficiency and sustainable development of banking resource allocation. Therefore, the dynamic competitiveness strategy should be formulated through the combination of banking management and external environment.
Study on the Dynamic Competitiveness of commercial banks is in a dynamic environment of banks to obtain sustainable competitive advantage, the banking industry itself should establish dynamic mechanism, construct power mechanism, learning mechanism and matching mechanism; secondly, according to the empirical analysis of the factors affecting the competitiveness of dynamic, improve the profitability of commercial banks and the level of risk management, the transition from business restructuring to customer structure, find their own strength and market positioning match, showing its own characteristics; finally, combining with the banking industry's external environment, highlighting China's commercial banks sustainable development and law, government regulation, with the economic and financial development and technology.
Two, the policy recommendations of the paper
1, in the transition of commercial banks, it is particularly urgent to improve the innovation ability of the financial system.
Theoretical innovation includes technical innovation and non technological innovation, technological innovation and non organizational innovation, market innovation, management innovation and mechanism innovation in the transformation process. Chinese transformation of the mode of economic development and the banking industry, the banking industry competition pattern face reconstruction, commercial banks should grasp the opportunities for development and effective innovation, not only in technology the products and services of innovative design, focusing on research and development ability, strengthen the research and development team; in the non technical level should focus on banking business model innovation, management structure and business process, and the banker's innovation ability should also put forward higher requirements. The final commercial banks with innovation to achieve transformation, support the development of banking industry the financial system, enhance the strength of innovation.
2, taking the dynamic competitiveness mechanism as the core to improve the competitiveness of commercial banks
The competition mechanism of commercial banks includes three aspects of dynamic mechanism, learning mechanism and matching mechanism. The content is to construct power mechanism, interaction of the external environment to create advanced enterprise culture, establish a scientific and reasonable incentive mechanism, make the commercial bank to the learning organization and employee sharing interactive learning platform for learning with the experience to guide the organization management. To construct the matching mechanism to strengthen information system construction, risk warning system and rapid response of flexible system, the service oriented architecture, integration of bank information system, promote the integration of banking business and technology.
3, micro financial services should be promoted to strategic height
With the interest rate market pressure gradually increased and the rapid development of direct financing, to provide financial services for large enterprises increasingly narrow roads, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual customers will become in the future the main commercial bank customer groups. Therefore, commercial banks should face the small and medium-sized enterprises and individual customers to develop financial products, improve financial services. The business of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future development strategy.
4, improve the risk management level of commercial banks
After the commercial bank crisis era should pay close attention to the real estate market and the risk of local financing platform, focusing on risk management and business growth in the balance of the loan period, local financing platform on income level.2008-2009 after adjustment of the risk of commercial banks put a lot of relatively long, short-term exposure is unlikely a lot of bad loans, but the future may periodically. The formation of a certain pressure of bad loans; real estate deal since 2010 promulgated and implemented, the real estate market adjustment risks should be kept short alert. Commercial banks should improve the risk management requirements, increase the degree of control of business risks, the risk management and internal control of mutual penetration and combine all kinds of risk level and the overall considerations mutual influence.
Three, the main innovation of the paper
1, according to China's listed commercial banks competitiveness as the research object, establishes the dynamic competence theory. The analysis of the original static competitiveness, dynamic mechanism, learning mechanism and matching mechanism, the preliminary theoretical frame to establish dynamic competitiveness, make the abstract concept to the implementation of specific level.
2, in the research perspective, pay attention to dynamic analysis and structure, from the start of two vertical and horizontal level. Continuous longitudinal level focuses on time, on the basis of the 2008-2010 years the annual report disclosure of listed commercial banks to establish data link; focusing on the horizontal level from the three-dimensional perspective, give full consideration to the impact of industry, business and the environment three aspects of the competitiveness of commercial banks, the two clues have been the idea.
3, the empirical analysis in addition to evaluate the ranking of three years of the competitiveness of listed banks, will also evaluate the ranking as the dependent variable, and panel data analysis to find the influence of bank level dynamic competitive variables, namely the key financial indicators, in order to develop clear and effective competitive strategy.



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