本文选题:西部农村 + 普惠金融 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The concept of inclusive finance was first put forward by the United Nations when propagating the International year of Microcredit 2005. It is a promotion of the concept of financial services and the extension and development of microfinance and microfinance. It is not limited to the provision of microfinance services by individual financial institutions, but also to the organic integration of fragmented microfinance services with microfinance institutions. And make it serve the country's overall financial development strategy, and ultimately establish an inclusive financial system covering all people. As Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Professor Mohamed Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, argues that credit rights should be elevated to human rights, and that everyone is born equal and should have equal access to financial services. Inclusive finance aims to provide opportunities and ways for all people to enjoy modern financial services. The development of inclusive finance plays an important role in alleviating poverty, improving economic efficiency, helping disadvantaged groups to improve education and quality of life. The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee adopted the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively deepening the Reform", formally putting forward the proposal of "developing inclusive finance". As the western rural areas are the regions with the highest incidence of poverty, and there are widespread problems such as the lack of financial services, the unmet financial needs, and the serious phenomenon of financial exclusion, The western rural area should be regarded as the key area of promoting inclusive finance in our country. In this paper, the existing literature at home and abroad are summarized and combed to understand the research results of related issues. Secondly, by looking up the data, this paper describes the present situation of inclusive finance in western rural areas qualitatively and quantitatively, and finds out the problems existing in the development of inclusive finance in western rural areas. Thirdly, by using the method of human development index for reference, the paper constructs the evaluation index system of rural financial inclusion degree in western China, adopts the coefficient of variation method to weight, and uses the weighted average method to calculate the western rural financial inclusion index. Therefore, the paper measures the degree of financial inclusion in rural areas of western provinces (cities). On the basis of the measurement results, it uses panel data model to analyze the influencing factors of financial inclusion in western rural areas. Finally, On the basis of comprehensive analysis, from the internal and external environment of rural inclusive finance, inclusive financial demand, inclusive financial supply, inclusive financial infrastructure, The role of the government in the development of inclusive finance puts forward some policy suggestions for the development of inclusive finance in western rural areas.
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