本文选题:金融监管 + 金融监管改革 ; 参考:《山东财经大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:2008年9月,美国发生的次贷危机,最终酿成了全球性的金融危机。此次危机爆发最主要的原因是,缺乏有效的金融监管。而且从世界金融监管发展的角度看,危机后都会进行大规模的金融监管改革,由于监管放松导致金融危机的发生,认识到监管的重要性,危机后重新管制。因此,危机后各国开始重新认识金融监管问题,大力进行金融监管改革,致力于完善金融监管体系,加紧防范和控制金融危机。 美国、英国和欧盟分别代表了不同特色的金融监管体制,,作为世界发达国家或地区,他们出台的改革方案对世界金融监管的发展具有重大的影响,代表了今后金融监管发展的趋势和方向。我国金融监管体制还比较落后,金融监管的手段还带有很多行政指令的色彩,监管比较严格,虽然抵挡住了本次金融危机的冲击,但是我国分业监管的体制仍存在很多的问题。随着金融国际化的进一步加深,混业经营必将成为今后金融业发展的趋势,我国分业监管体制将阻碍金融业的发展。借助此次后危机时期,各国金融监管改革的契机,借鉴国外经验,完善我国金融监管体制,具有重要的现实意义。 本文共分为五个章节。第一章,主要介绍了本文研究的背景及意义,并对国内外研究成果进行简要述评,阐述本文的主要研究内容、创新点等;第二章,主要介绍了金融监管相关理论,这是本文的理论基础;第三章,回顾危机前美国、英国、欧盟金融监管体制,并对其进行深入的研究和评价,以此作为研究金融监管改革的基础;第四章,分析美国、英国、欧盟金融监管改革的措施,并对其进行评价;第五章,提出我国金融监管改革的目标,为实现这个目标需分三步走。
[Abstract]:September 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis occurred in the United States, and finally led to a global financial crisis. The main reason for the crisis is the lack of effective financial regulation. From the point of view of the development of the world financial supervision, there will be a large-scale financial supervision reform after the crisis. Because of the financial crisis caused by the deregulation of supervision, the importance of supervision is recognized, and the regulation is re-regulated after the crisis. Therefore, after the crisis, countries began to re-understand the problem of financial supervision, vigorously carry out the reform of financial supervision, devote themselves to improving the financial supervision system, and step up the prevention and control of financial crisis. The United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union represent different financial regulatory systems with different characteristics. As developed countries or regions in the world, their reform plans have a significant impact on the development of world financial regulation. It represents the development trend and direction of financial supervision in the future. The financial supervision system of our country is still relatively backward, the means of financial supervision also has the color of a lot of administrative instructions, the supervision is quite strict, although withstands the impact of this financial crisis, but the system of separate supervision of our country still has many problems. With the further deepening of financial internationalization, mixed operation will become the trend of the development of the financial industry in the future, and the separate supervision system of our country will hinder the development of the financial industry. With the help of the post-crisis period, it is of great practical significance to improve the financial supervision system of our country by taking advantage of the opportunity of the financial supervision reform in various countries and drawing on the experience of foreign countries. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background and significance of this study, and briefly reviews the research results at home and abroad, expounds the main research content, innovation points, etc. In chapter 2, it mainly introduces the related theories of financial supervision. This is the theoretical basis of this paper. Chapter three reviews the financial regulatory systems of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union before the crisis, and makes an in-depth study and evaluation of them as the basis for the study of financial regulatory reform. Chapter four analyzes the United States, the United Kingdom, the United States and the United Kingdom. The fifth chapter puts forward the goal of our country's financial supervision reform, in order to realize this goal, we should take three steps to realize it.
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