本文选题:ZR信托 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:2011年,是信托行业具有历史性发展的一年,中国信托业协会近日公布的数据显示,截至2011年12月31日,我国信托资产规模达48114.38亿元,2011年信托公司经营收入439.29亿元,利润总额298.57亿元。由于我国对信托行业的业务定位、运行机制等处于不断地探索过程中,因此,我国的信托行业在过去30余年的发展过程中基本处于夹缝求生的状况。随着2007年“新两规”的颁布,信托开始回归主业,我国的信托行业也由此进入了一波高速的发展,信托资产规模从2006年的3500亿元左右迅速飘升至目前的3万亿左右,首次超越了公募基金。信托行业正面临着史无前例的全新发展机遇。ZR信托公司在2010年7月到2011年6月的行业排行中取得了较为优异的成绩:发行能力排名行业第一;收益能力排名行业第七;专业能力排名行业第一;信息透明度排名行业第五;创新能力排名行业第二;风险控制能力排名行业第六;综合理财能力排名行业第一。 由于美国金融危机、欧洲债务危机的影响,2009年以后我国金融行业也进行了多次重大的调整,这些时间对信托行业的影响有喜有忧,2012年,信托行业面临着大发展后如何面对新的经济形势等严峻的问题。 本文通过分析在当前金融环境下及现有的信托行业发展趋势,结合公司自身资源,运用SWOT分析等方法,解释目前ZR信托公司在信托行业的竞争位置,,提出改进意见,并制定今后的发展战略。
[Abstract]:2011 was a year of historic development in the trust industry. According to the data released recently by the China Trust Industry Association, as of December 31, 2011, the scale of trust assets in China amounted to 4.811438 trillion yuan, and the operating income of trust companies in 2011 was 43.929 billion yuan. The total profit is 29.857 billion yuan. Since our country is in the process of exploring the business orientation and operation mechanism of the trust industry, the trust industry in our country has been in the condition of survival in the past 30 years. With the promulgation of the "new two rules" in 2007, the trust began to return to the main industry, and the trust industry in our country also entered a wave of high-speed development. The scale of trust assets rose rapidly from 350 billion yuan in 2006 to about 3 trillion in the present. For the first time beyond public funds. The trust industry is facing an unprecedented new development opportunity. ZR Trust Company has made more outstanding achievements in the industry ranking from July 2010 to June 2011: the issuing ability ranks first in the industry, the revenue ability ranks seventh in the industry, and the trust industry ranks first in the industry. The professional ability ranks first in the industry; information transparency ranks fifth in the industry; innovation ability ranks second in the industry; risk control ability ranks sixth in the industry; and comprehensive financial management ability ranks first in the industry. As a result of the financial crisis in the United States and the impact of the European debt crisis, China's financial industry has also undergone many major adjustments since 2009. These times have had mixed effects on the trust industry. In 2012, Trust industry is faced with serious problems such as how to face the new economic situation after the great development. By analyzing the development trend of the trust industry under the current financial environment, combining with the company's own resources and using the method of SWOT analysis, this paper explains the competitive position of the ZR trust company in the trust industry, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement. And formulate the future development strategy.
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