本文选题:银行 + 保险代理业务 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,特别是加入WTO后,我国金融市场变得更加自由化,新兴的股份制银行以及外资银行的加入加剧了银行之间的竞争。各家银行纷纷把目光投向了那些高回报、低风险的中间业务,代理保险业务便展现出了其强大的发展潜力。现阶段,银行、保险公司以及社会对银行保险代理业务的发展都有着强烈的需求。现阶段我国银行保险代理业务发展速度迅猛,拥有广阔的发展空间和潜力。与此同时也暴露了我国银行保险代理业务的诸多问题,比如产品单一、业务人员变相销售、银行之间的恶性竞争等。2011年,保监会联合银监会先后出台了《保险公司委托金融机构代理保险业务监管规定(征求意见稿)》、《商业银行代理保险业务监管指引》等政策新规,政策新规的颁布同样给银行保险代理业务带来了新的挑战,其一,规定中明确,经金融监管部门批准,依法设立的银行、证券公司等非保险类金融机构可申请保险兼业代理资格,代销保险业务。其二,银行保险代理业的快速发展带来了一些不合理的问题,为此,新规中对机构和人员的资质、产品管理行为和营销行为设置了新规范。 本文首先对银行保险代理业进行了一番概述,较全面地介绍了对我国银行保险代理人的相关概念以及发展历程,随后深入分析了我国银行保险代理业的发展特点,并对新环境下银行保险代理业务的发展进行了探讨。在上述理论分析基础之上,以吉林省工商银行为例,,应用SWOT分析工具,通过对吉林省工商银行的内、外部环境进行分析,找到吉林省工商银行保险代理业务的发展机会和威胁、优势与劣势,以及发展现状和在新政环境下所面临的问题进行了分析。 文章的最后设计了我国银行保险代理业务的保障措施,以此为银行保险代理业务的发展提出具体的操作建议以及科学合理的发展战略:积极拓展银保合作的深度和领域空间;借鉴国外的先进成功经验,顺应我国政策法规的改变;引进优秀人才,细分市场目标,形成优秀的企业文化,使银行保险代理人立于不败之地。 随着我国经济的持续增长和逐步发展,社会对保险的需求也会日益增加,保险业的市场也会逐步放大。虽然政策法规可能对银行保险代理一家独大的优势产生冲击,但是由于证券公司等及金融机构毕竟才刚刚进入保险代理的门槛,还缺乏代理业务的一些经验,与之形成鲜明对比的是,银行以形象佳、网点多、公信力好和保险代理经验丰富等优势持续平稳的发展,所以在未来很长的一段时间内,即使会有证券公司等竞争对手出现,银行还将继续领航保险代理业务领域。
[Abstract]:Since entering the 21st century , especially after China ' s entry into WTO , China ' s financial market has become more liberalizing , and the emergence of joint - stock banks and foreign banks has increased the competition among banks .
This paper first gives an overview of the insurance agent industry in China , introduces the concept and course of development of the insurance agent in China , and discusses the development of the bank insurance agency business in the new environment . On the basis of the above theoretical analysis , the SWOT analysis tool is applied to analyze the development opportunities and threats , advantages and disadvantages of the insurance agency business in Jilin Province , as well as the development status quo and the problems faced in the new political environment .
Finally , the paper designs the safeguard measures of the bank insurance agency business in our country , and puts forward the concrete operation suggestion and the scientific and reasonable development strategy for the development of the bank insurance agency business : actively expand the depth and domain space of the bank insurance cooperation ;
To learn from the advanced experiences of foreign countries and to adapt to the changes of our policy and regulations ;
The introduction of outstanding talents , the subdivision of the market target , the formation of an excellent enterprise culture , the bank insurance agent to stand in the invincible position .
With the sustained economic growth and the gradual development of our country , the demand for insurance will be gradually increased , and the market of the insurance industry will be gradually enlarged . Although the policy and regulations may have an impact on the insurance agency of the bank , the bank will continue to develop smoothly in the future for a long time , even if there is a competitor such as a securities firm , the bank will continue to navigate the insurance agency business area .
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