本文选题:金融危机 + 人口老龄化 ; 参考:《社会科学战线》2010年12期
[Abstract]:The financial crisis that began in the United States in 2007 has impacted the real economy of China, and all kinds of social problems have been highlighted. As an important measure to stimulate consumption and mitigate the consequences of the crisis, the protection of people's livelihood has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. On the basis of this, the author chooses old-age care as a typical problem in the field of people's livelihood, and carries out a questionnaire survey on the living conditions of the elderly in four major cities in Shandong Province, and on this basis analyzes the living conditions of the elderly in the economic crisis by means of effective statistical means. The results show that, in terms of economic life, the economic crisis has shifted the financial support between the elderly and their children in the region from child support and mutual support to parental support for their children; and in terms of choice of way of living, The economic crisis has deepened the situation of elderly people living separately from their children in the region; the crisis has spurred the Chinese government to focus on older people.
【作者单位】: 韩国东国大学社会学系;吉林省社会科学院朝鲜韩国研究所;
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