本文选题:城市商业银行 + 跨区域 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:“城市商业银行”是我国金融改革发展所形成的特有产物,是一种为地方经济发展服务的特殊金融机构。起初,银监会批准组建城商行的目的是为了防范化解城市信用社在为地方经济服务过程中积累的金融风险,规模扩展并不是其首选,此时城商行的业务经营主要在单一城市开展。由于城商行是在城市信用社基础上改建而成,因此城市信用社的不良资产全都转嫁到城商行上,这些不足注定了城市商业银行在初级阶段很难将自身发展定位为跨区域经营。再加上监管当局对城商行有着区域经营的限制,初级阶段的城商行将自身市场定位为:“服务地方经济,服务城市居民,服务中小企业”。但随着城市商业银行的逐渐发展壮大,资产规模也取得了很大的提高,自身竞争力得以加强,于是监管当局逐步放松对城市商业银行单一城市制的限制,采取了“分而治之”的合理监管方式,允许综合实力较强的城商行率先实现跨区域发展。而为了获取更多的市场空间,那些仍处于资产质量差、财务亏损严重、历史包袱沉重的城商行也盲目设立异地分支机构,导致整个银行分支机构增多,原有的两极管理体系失效,管理链条被拉长,,管理流程随之发生变化,各种风险也随之产生。 本文正是从城市商业银行跨区域经营的理论基础入手,分析其选择跨区域经营的原因,介绍了跨区域经营的发展历程,随后又总结了了我国城市商业银行跨区域经营的现状,其中首先分析了跨区域经营的各种模式,进行实例论证说明,讨论各种模式的基本步骤,概括其优势,进一步得出跨区域经营的具体效果。通过案例分析进而发现跨区域发展产生的具体问题,并深入探讨产生这些问题的具体原因,通过学习国外发达国家中小商业银行的发展现状,并结合我国具体国情,从而总结出我国城市商业银行跨区域经营的经验。同时对我国城市商业银行跨区域经营产生的问题提出一些积极的对策和措施,从而使跨区域经营更加合理,使城市商业银行更加健康、快速、合理的发展。 本论文通过对比研究发现解决城市商业银行跨区域经营产生问题的具体措施是:一是加强风险管控,完善公司治理体系;二是跨区域经营后应该坚持准确的市场定位;三是依据自身实际情况选择适合的跨区域经营方式;四是监管部门加强评估和适度监管原则。
[Abstract]:City Commercial Bank is a special financial institution which serves the development of local economy. Initially, the CBRC approved the formation of City Commercial Bank in order to prevent and defuse the financial risks accumulated by urban credit cooperatives in serving the local economy. Scale expansion is not its first choice. At this time, the business operations of commercial banks mainly in a single city to carry out. Because the city commercial bank is rebuilt on the basis of the city credit cooperative, the bad assets of the city credit cooperative are all passed on to the city commercial bank. These shortcomings make it difficult for the city commercial bank to position its own development as cross-regional management in the initial stage. In addition, the supervision authorities have restrictions on the regional management of the city commercial banks. In the primary stage, the city commercial banks position themselves as "serving the local economy, serving the urban residents, serving the small and medium-sized enterprises". However, with the gradual development and growth of urban commercial banks, the scale of assets has also been greatly improved, and their own competitiveness has been strengthened, so the regulatory authorities gradually relaxed the restrictions on the single city system of urban commercial banks. The reasonable supervision method of "divide and rule" is adopted to allow the city commercial banks with strong comprehensive strength to take the lead in realizing the cross-regional development. In order to gain more market space, city commercial banks, which are still in poor asset quality, serious financial losses, and heavy historical burdens, have blindly set up branches in other places, resulting in an increase in the number of branches of the whole bank. The original two-pole management system is invalid, the management chain is lengthened, the management process changes with it, and all kinds of risks come into being. This paper begins with the theoretical basis of cross-regional operation of urban commercial banks, analyzes the reasons for choosing cross-regional management, introduces the development course of cross-regional management, and then summarizes the present situation of cross-regional management of urban commercial banks in China. First of all, it analyzes the various modes of cross-regional operation, demonstrates and explains the examples, discusses the basic steps of the various modes, summarizes their advantages, and further obtains the concrete effect of cross-regional management. Through the case analysis, the paper finds out the specific problems arising from cross-regional development, and probes into the specific reasons for these problems. By studying the current development situation of small and medium-sized commercial banks in developed countries, and combining with the specific conditions of our country, The experience of cross-regional operation of city commercial banks in China is summarized. At the same time, some positive countermeasures and measures are put forward to make the cross-regional management more reasonable and the city commercial banks develop more healthily, quickly and reasonably. Through comparative study, this paper finds that the specific measures to solve the problems arising from the cross-regional operation of urban commercial banks are: first, to strengthen risk control and improve the corporate governance system; second, to adhere to the accurate market positioning after cross-regional operation; The third is to choose the appropriate cross-regional management mode according to their own actual situation, and the fourth is to strengthen the evaluation and appropriate supervision principle.
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