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发布时间:2018-06-11 22:08

  本文选题:新疆 + 中亚 ; 参考:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In the process of rapid economic globalization, the role of financial support in promoting economic development has become increasingly obvious. Financial development can not only enhance the comprehensive strength of various countries and regions in economies with close economic ties, To achieve the optimal allocation of financial resources and improve the efficiency of the use of financial resources can also ensure the stability of the economic development of member countries. Drawing lessons from the practical experience of the economic and financial development of developed economies and combining with the actual needs of Xinjiang and Central Asia to develop their economies, we should make full use of the remarkable achievements made in the financial development of Xinjiang since the reform and opening up. It is of great significance to support bilateral economic and trade relations to a new level. Under the background of "Belt and Road" planning, the close economic and trade ties between Xinjiang and Central Asia play an increasingly important role in the sustainable economic development of our country. How to make full use of the comparative advantages of Xinjiang's financial resources? Promoting the further development of bilateral trade relationship between Xinjiang and Central Asia is the key to the transformation and upgrading of Xinjiang's economic development mode. The research content of this paper can be divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, from the research background and research significance, domestic and foreign research review, research framework structure, possible innovation and deficiencies and other aspects of a brief description of the article. By combing the relevant literature at home and abroad and classifying and summing up the differences in research angle, the author concludes that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between financial development and trade development, and to a certain extent the former positively promotes the latter. The second part is the theoretical analysis, based on the literature review of relevant research, the financial development and trade development of the theoretical basis, including comparative advantage, factor endowment, financial development, regional finance and other related theories. The third part introduces and analyzes the current situation of Xinjiang's financial development and its trade development with Central Asian countries. The present situation of financial development in Xinjiang is described in detail from three angles: the scale of financial development, the structure of financial development and the efficiency of financial development. The trade between Xinjiang and Central Asia is mainly analyzed from the aspects of trade scale and trade object. The fourth part is the empirical analysis, the indicators to measure the level of financial development in Xinjiang from the scale of financial development, financial development structure and financial development efficiency from three angles; The index to measure the level of trade development between Xinjiang and Central Asia can be divided into trade scale index and export structure index. By using the ADF test Johansen test and impulse response function analysis method, this paper explores how the financial development of Xinjiang affects the bilateral trade development. The financial development of Xinjiang has a positive effect on the expansion of bilateral trade scale and the optimization of trade structure. The fifth part is the conclusion and suggestion, combining the objective reality of Xinjiang, from establishing and perfecting the monetary mechanism, optimizing the financial structure, strengthening the financial cooperation between Xinjiang and the Central Asian countries in the capital market. And how to establish the coordination mechanism of financial stability between Xinjiang and Central Asian countries is put forward.


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