本文选题:化德包商村镇银行 + 公司战略 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:化德包商村镇银行是经国家银行业监督管理部门批准成立的具有独立法人资格的新型农村金融机构,于2011年12月19日开业,注册资金3000万,员工26名,是乌兰察布市化德县首家成立的村镇银行。作为一家新成立的村镇银行,明确其发展的内外部环境,选择什么样的发展路径和模式,对于其能否实.现健康可持续发展具有至关重要的意义。 本文通过对化德包商村镇银行的内外部发展战略环境和发展条件分析,明晰外部的机遇与威胁和自身的优劣势,找准发展方向,进一步明确发展战略,为促进化德包商村镇银行持续健康发展提供了思路和参考。 化德包商村镇银行以“建设现代化、本土化的好银行”为战略愿景,以“做最好的农牧业金融服务集成商”为战略目标,坚持“三农三牧”的市场定位,坚定“服务专一、精耕细作”的经营理念。化德包商村镇银行发展的基本思路是:‘在战略愿景和战略目标的导向下,紧扣主要从事100万元以下的“三农三牧”业务这一核心的市场定位,围绕核心客户群,针对当地农牧业市场特点找寻业务经营特色和定位,努力提高农村金融业务的市场份额、核心竞争力和创利能力,提高为农牧产业客户提供一揽子金融服务解决方案的能力,实现农牧微小金融服务的外溢效应和规模效应,不断研发贴近农牧业市场的运营管理模式,持续进行农牧业金融核心信贷技术的提炼,力争三年内实现创造农牧业金融知名品牌的目标。
[Abstract]:Huade contractor Village Bank is a new type of rural financial institution with independent legal personality approved by the State Banking Regulatory Department. It opened on December 19, 2011, with a registered capital of 30 million and 26 employees. It is the first village bank established in Huade County of Wulanchabu City. As a newly established village bank, it is clear that the internal and external environment of its development, and what kind of development path and mode should be chosen. Health and sustainable development is of great significance. Based on the analysis of the internal and external development strategy environment and development conditions of Huade contractor Village Bank, this paper clarifies the external opportunities and threats and their own advantages and disadvantages, finds out the development direction, and further clarifies the development strategy. For promoting the Huade contractor village bank sustainable and healthy development to provide ideas and references. With the strategic vision of "building a modern and local good bank" and "being the best agricultural and animal husbandry financial service integrator", the Huade contractor Village Bank adheres to the market orientation of "three agriculture, rural areas and three pastoralists" and firm "dedicated service." Intensive farming "management concept." The basic idea of the development of Huade contractor Village Bank is: 'under the guidance of strategic vision and strategic goal, we should closely adhere to the core market positioning of "three rural and three pastoral" business, which is mainly engaged in the business of "agriculture, rural areas, and three pastoral" below 1 million yuan, and revolve around the core customer base. In view of the characteristics of local agricultural and animal husbandry market, we should seek for the characteristics and positioning of business management, strive to improve the market share, core competitiveness and profit creation ability of rural financial business, and improve the ability to provide a package of financial service solutions for agricultural and livestock industry customers. To realize the spillover effect and scale effect of agricultural and animal husbandry micro financial services, to continuously develop the operation and management model close to the agricultural and animal husbandry market, and to continuously refine the core credit technology of agriculture and animal husbandry finance, Strive to achieve the goal of creating famous agricultural and animal husbandry financial brands within three years.
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