本文选题:日本资本市场开放 + 日元升值 ; 参考:《亚太经济》2010年06期
[Abstract]:In the early 1980s, Japan's capital market, which was accompanied by the appreciation of the yen, opened up. Although it brought unprecedented prosperity to Japan's financial markets at the initial stage, it did not fundamentally enhance Japan's international financial status. In the end, Japan's economic bubble burst and declared a failure. Through cointegration test and Granger causality test, it is found that the appreciation of the yen is the main reason for the increase of Japanese money supply, and the reasons for the failure of the opening up of the Japanese capital market are analyzed from the point of view of the appreciation of the yen and the problems existing in the Japanese financial market. To provide some reference for the opening of China's capital market.
【作者单位】: 中山大学岭南学院;交通银行研究部;
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