本文选题:产业空心化 + 对外直接投资 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:日本是对外直接投资大国,从二战后开始,其对外直接投资规模不断扩大,经验不断成熟。1984年日本对外投资首先突破100亿美元,达到101.5亿美元,并在20世纪80年代末—跃成为当时世界上最大的对外投资国。但是,随着日本对外直接投资的发展,其与产业空心化的联系开始不断受到日本各界的质疑。迄今为止,共出现了三次产业空心化的讨论高潮。一些日本学者甚至认为是日本对外直接投资直接导致了日本国内产业的空心化。因此究竟该如何看待对外直接投资与日本国内产业空洞化问题的关系,如何正确认识日本产业空洞化形成的原因,对研究今后日本对外直接投资甚至日本经济走向都具有一定的意义,而这也是本文所要集中探讨的课题。 本文从对外直接投资的角度来探讨日本产业空心化的问题,主要包括日本对外直接投资对产业空心化的影响和产业空心化的形成原因两部分。其中日本对外直接投资对产业空心化的影响主要从贸易、就业和产业结构三方面来分析。首先,通过比较日本国内产业结构升级和对外直接投资产业流向的变化过程,发现了日本对外直接投资促进了国内产业结构的升级。其次,通过分析日本对外贸易和对外直接投资的数据,发现日本对外直接投资产生的“诱发出口”的效果大于“替代出口”和“逆进口”的效果。日本对外直接投资对日本对外贸易的互补作用要大于替代作用。对外直接投资在导致出口增加的同时,也在增加进口。日本对外直接投资并不必然导致贸易收支逆差。即使存在日本对外贸易逆差,日本对外直接投资企业也在东道国获得了巨额利润收益,这些收益源源不断的流回日本国内,又反过来促进了国内高新技术产业的发展,增强了日本在国际市场上的比较优势。并非如舆论中所认为的出现贸易逆差,进而出现产业空心化现象。第三,就业方面,通过分析日本二战后完全失业率和各产业就业人数的数据,可以发现日本战后就业问题确实客观存在。但日本对外直接投资只是间接导致了日本国内失业问题,并非主要原因。导致日本失业问题的原因有很多,包括最终处理不良债权对日本国内就业的打击、国内消费需求不足、日本引进外国直接投资和产业转入规模太小,与常年大规模对外直接投资存在失衡等等。这些论据可以说明对外直接投资并不一定导致日本产业空心化,否则对外直接投资大国都会出现产业空心化现象。故日本舆论强行将日本国内产业空心化现象直接同海外直接投资联系起来,判断是日本对外直接投资直接导致了日本国内产业的空心化,而不考虑其他因素,则未免断章取义。 笔者认为,可以从国内产业结构调整状态和国际产业转移来分析导致日本产业空心化的根本原因。从前者来看,日本国内高新技术产业发展缓慢,无法跟上旧产业海外转出的速度。从后者来看,直接投资“转出多,转入少”,内外直接投资严重失衡。对外直接投资后导致的产业空间无法通过产业转入弥补。这些才是日本形成产业空心化的根本原因。
[Abstract]:Japan is a big foreign direct investment country. Since the Second World War, the scale of its foreign direct investment has been expanding. In.1984 years, Japan's foreign investment exceeded $10 billion, reaching $10 billion 150 million, and at the end of 1980s - the largest foreign investment country in the world. However, with Japan's foreign direct investment. The relationship with the Industrial Hollowing has been questioned by the Japanese people from all walks of life. So far, there have been three high climax in the discussion of Industrial Hollowing. Some Japanese scholars even think that Japan's foreign direct investment has directly led to the hollowing of domestic industry in Japan. The relationship between the problem of domestic industry cavitation and how to correctly understand the causes of the cavitation in Japan's industry are of great significance to the study of Japan's foreign direct investment and even the trend of Japan's economy, which is also a subject to be focused on in this article.
This paper discusses the problems of Japanese Industrial Hollowing from the perspective of foreign direct investment, mainly including the two parts of the impact of Japan's foreign direct investment on Industrial Hollowing and the cause of the formation of Industrial Hollowing. The impact of Japan's foreign direct investment on Industrial Hollowing is mainly analyzed from three aspects of trade, employment and industrial structure. First, by comparing the industrial structure upgrading of Japan and the changing process of FDI industry, it is found that Japan's foreign direct investment promotes the upgrading of the domestic industrial structure. Secondly, through the analysis of the data of Japan's foreign trade and foreign direct investment, the effect of "exportation" produced by Japan's foreign direct investment is found. Compared with the effect of "alternative export" and "reverse import", the complementary role of Japan's foreign direct investment to Japan's foreign trade is greater than the substitution effect. Foreign direct investment is also increasing imports while the export increases. Japan's foreign direct investment does not necessarily lead to a trade deficit deficit. Even if there is a Japanese foreign trade deficit The Japanese foreign direct investment enterprises have also gained a huge profit and profit in the host country. These returns have been flowing back to Japan, which in turn promoted the development of domestic high-tech industries and enhanced the comparative advantage of Japan in the international market. Third, in terms of employment, through the analysis of the data of the total unemployment rate and the number of employment in various industries after the war in Japan, we can find that the problem of postwar employment in Japan is indeed objective. However, Japan's foreign direct investment has only caused the problem of unemployment in Japan, not the main reason. There are many reasons for the unemployment problem in Japan. These arguments can indicate that the direct investment in foreign direct investment does not lead to the hollowing of Japan's industry, otherwise the foreign direct investment will be directly invested. Because of the phenomenon of Industrial Hollowing, Japanese public opinion strongly links the Japanese Domestic Industrial Hollowing to direct overseas investment. It is judged that Japan's foreign direct investment directly leads to the hollowing of domestic industry in Japan, but not other factors, it will be taken out of context.
The author believes that the fundamental reasons for the hollowing of the Japanese industry can be analyzed from the adjustment state of the domestic industrial structure and the transfer of the international industry. In the former case, the development of the Japanese domestic high-tech industry is slow and can not keep up with the speed of the transfer of the old industries abroad. Serious imbalance. The industrial space caused by foreign direct investment can not be compensated through industry transfer. These are the fundamental reasons for the formation of Industrial Hollowing in Japan.
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