[Abstract]:With the gradual improvement of farmers' income, the living standard of farmers has been improved significantly, and more disposable funds. Most people simply choose to deposit their funds in banks to provide for the aged. Due to the rising prices in recent years, the bank deposits appear "negative interest rate", the peasant family assets shrink rapidly, and the financial problems have been highlighted. Therefore, it is urgent for the farmers to manage their money. Based on the research of domestic and foreign scholars, this paper summarizes the economic development and income and expenditure of farmers in Urumqi County, and then introduces the family members and labor force composition of farmers in Urumqi County. Then the income level of farmers, consumption and savings situation. Then, this paper investigates the financial situation of farmers in Urumqi County. Through the investigation, we first know which financial products are selected by the farmers' families in Urumqi County, and analyze the present financial products of the farmers. Secondly, the combination of financial management products selected by farmers is analyzed, and the factors that affect the family financial management in Urumqi County are the level of family income and the comprehensive quality of family financial decision makers. The rural atmosphere environment and interest rate and financial market are analyzed in detail. Finally, this paper gives reasonable countermeasures and suggestions from the government, financial institutions and farmers' own financial quality.
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