[Abstract]:The main source of financing for SMEs is the credit of commercial banks. The study on the financial support system for SMEs by Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank is not only conducive to opening up new profit sources for commercial banks, but also improving their capital adequacy ratio. Increasing the competitiveness of commercial banks is of great significance to the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the present economic environment of our country. This paper studies the credit support system of Ningbo branch of the contractor bank in view of the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises, and makes a deep analysis on the basis of relevant theories, and draws a conclusion. Based on the relevant theories, this paper takes Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank as an example to carry out the research on the financial support system of small and medium-sized enterprises by using the methods of case study, case study and summing up. Focusing on the core that commercial banks can play an important role in solving the financing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises, the paper analyzes the defects of Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank in the financial support system, and finally puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. This paper is divided into five parts altogether, the first part is introduction, mainly introduced the research background and the research significance of the article, the author inquired the massive literature material, including the domestic and foreign commercial banks to the small and medium-sized enterprise credit support literature, The research at home and abroad is summarized, which makes a good foundation for the research of this paper. The second part is the theoretical introduction of the financial support system for SMEs by commercial banks, mainly introduces the concept of SME financing, as well as the main ways and sources of SME financing, and analyzes the main reasons for the financing difficulties of SMEs. The third part is the detailed analysis of the financial support system of the Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank, and introduces the development of the credit business of the Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank. The bank's business situation, as well as the credit support to small and medium-sized enterprises, focuses on the defects in the financial support system of the Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank to small and medium-sized enterprises. These defects are mainly manifested in the credit support of banks to SMEs, the traditional concept of bank support to SMEs, the credit system of banks to SMEs, the financial support system of banks to SMEs; the fourth part, The Ningbo Branch of the Bank of contractors has put forward specific proposals for improving the financial support system for small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly from establishing an independent accounting mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises, expanding the scope of service penalties, and advising the Ningbo branch of the contractor's bank to carry out the loan commitment business for small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to promote the financial flow of small and medium-sized enterprises, we should speed up business innovation in business, spread out the various risks that may arise in the credit process, and reduce the losses caused by credit risks. In addition, the Ningbo Branch of the contractor Bank should improve the credit rating system, provide an effective information platform for SMEs to ensure the smooth progress of the SME credit work. At the end of the article, the innovation and prospect of this paper are summarized.
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