[Abstract]:American financial industry has been at the core of the world financial industry for a long time, and its financial supervision system has been regarded as a classic and used for reference by other countries in the world. For a period of time, U.S. financial regulators have advocated minimizing government intervention and relying on the free flow of capital to activate financial markets. However, the subprime mortgage crisis of previous years exposed the major defects of the financial supervision system in the United States. In response to these shortcomings, the post-crisis U.S. financial industry and financial regulators began to rethink, pushing forward the latest round of landmark financial regulatory reform. A comprehensive review and reflection on the historical changes of the financial supervision system in the United States will help us to grasp the current situation of the financial supervision system in the United States and its main problems. To understand deeply the necessity and content of the reform of American financial supervision system, to foreshadow its influence and to get beneficial enlightenment from it. This paper analyzes the historical changes of American financial supervision system from the perspective of institutional economics. The basic conclusion is that the change of American financial supervision system presents a spiral rising state of alternating intensity of supervision and financial liberalization, and this spiral process has not only a quantity of change but also a qualitative improvement. According to the relevant data of American financial institutions from 2002 to 2009, CAPM model is used to measure the systemic risk of American financial system. The results show that during 2002-2009, the 渭 1 value of US financial institutions reflected systemic risk showed a U-shaped change state as a whole, but in 2007-2009, the average value of systemic risk of financial institutions in the United States was already very high. The high accumulation of systemic risk in the short term indicates that the United States overemphasizes the idea of market regulation, neglects the object of supervision, and has the adverse consequences of the different regulatory standards and the subject of supervision. The imperfect financial supervision system and the financial crisis in 2008 gave birth to the Dode Frank Act, which represents the new financial supervision system in the United States. This new bill attaches importance to macro-prudential supervision of the financial sector, emphasizes financial stability and unification of systemically important financial institutions, comprehensive supervision, supervision of derivatives and hedge funds, and the establishment of a national insurance regulatory agency. Focus on the protection of the rights of financial consumers, reconfigure the rights of financial regulators, and enhance the regulatory rights of the Federal Reserve. The new concept of American financial supervision will deeply influence the development trend of American financial industry and even the global financial industry. China's financial supervision can get beneficial inspiration, insist on the combination of macro-prudential supervision and micro-prudential supervision, establish a financial supervision system based on systemic risk prevention, financial regulatory institutions coordination mechanism and risk early warning system.
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