[Abstract]:In the context of sustained economic growth and expanding scale, China's demand for global resources has expanded rapidly, which has brought about the rapid growth of resource-oriented (Resource-seeking) foreign direct investment. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of China's resource-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI), and based on the practical investigation and theoretical analysis, this paper expounds and tests the impact of resource-oriented FDI on China's import and export by adopting the method of empirical analysis. The impact of employment and economic growth. The research contents of this paper include: literature review of the home country economic effect of FDI, the general situation and characteristic analysis of China's resource-oriented FDI. The theoretical mechanism and empirical analysis of the economic impact of resource-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI) are analyzed to promote and improve the policy recommendations of China's resource-oriented FDI. In theory, foreign direct investment will have an impact on the home country's import and export trade, employment, investment, national income, economic growth and investment company growth, technological progress. Due to some limitations of China's OFDI statistical system, relevant specific data are not available. Therefore, the study of China's resource-oriented FDI plus economic effects is mainly limited to three aspects: import and export, employment and economic growth. The idea of empirical analysis is: based on the theoretical premise, the hypothesis is put forward, and then according to the needs of the research, and referring to the relevant research results abroad, the appropriate model is constructed, and appropriate samples are selected to test the hypothesis. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, the basic motivation of China's resource-oriented foreign direct investment is to meet the continuous growth of domestic resource demand and diversified supply of energy and mineral resources; second, Flexible investment mode and wide geographical distribution are the basic characteristics of China's resource-oriented foreign direct investment; third, resource-oriented foreign investment has a positive role in promoting China's imports and exports; fourth, Resource-oriented foreign investment can promote employment in China. Fifth, the flow and stock of resource-oriented foreign investment have positive effects on the growth of GDP in China, but there are obvious regional differences in their fixed effects. The intercept less than 0 is concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Tianjin, western and coastal areas and Northeast China. In order to achieve the healthy development of China's resource-oriented foreign investment, the government needs to take a variety of measures, mainly: to do a good job of service and guidance, to support the establishment of industrial leaders, To train comprehensive international talents to improve risk awareness and risk control, to establish a risk guarantee mechanism for overseas direct investment, and to pay close attention to the economic impact of resource-oriented foreign direct investment on the host country.
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