[Abstract]:As an important basic energy source in China, coal mineral resources are not only the main raw materials for civil chemical and mechanical power, but also have an important impact on the rise and fall of coking, electromechanical, metallurgical, transportation and other related industries. Coal enterprises play an important role in the economic development of our country. Enterprise performance evaluation system plays an important role in the whole enterprise value evaluation system. Scientific and reasonable performance evaluation method can optimize the capital structure of enterprises, improve the level of corporate governance, and promote the value growth of listed companies. At present, according to the principle of accounting profit, three kinds of performance evaluation methods of coal listed companies in our country are mainly net profit, surplus income and cash flow. However, there are still some problems in the current performance evaluation system, such as the absence of consideration of equity cost, the distortion and distortion of net profit to some extent, which can easily lead to the short-term behavior of managers, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of coal listed companies. (EVA, Economic Value Added) deducts the cost of equity and debt from the net profit after tax, considers the opportunity cost of equity capital, and more accurately reflects the value created by the enterprise through production and operation. This paper introduces the method of EVA performance evaluation into the current market economy conditions of our country. Based on the relevant theories of enterprise performance evaluation, this paper introduces the basic knowledge of EVA, such as its theoretical background, basic principle, advantages and limitations, etc. According to the specific situation of coal industry, the basic calculation formula of EVA is adjusted appropriately, and a new performance evaluation system suitable for coal listed companies in China is constructed. The purpose of this paper is to make the coal listed companies in China evaluate and improve their own business performance and promote the formation of internal capital constraints. In order to prove the effectiveness of the EVA performance evaluation index, this paper takes 34 coal listed companies in China as the empirical sample, constructs the regression model, and adopts the method of combining normative and empirical analysis. This paper makes a comprehensive comparative study of three kinds of performance evaluation indexes and draws the conclusion that the performance evaluation system based on EVA index is effective. It shows that the EVA index system can more accurately evaluate the performance of enterprises and reflect the value created by listed companies. Then the performance of 34 coal listed companies in China is compared with each other by using EVA evaluation index, and the operating situation and its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed in detail and comprehensively. Furthermore, the enlightenment of EVA index to the performance evaluation of coal listed companies in China is obtained. At present, although some domestic scholars have introduced the EVA index into the coal listed companies for certain research, they only use the basic formula of EVA, but do not make specific adjustment according to the characteristics of coal industry. The innovation of this paper lies in the adjustment of special accounting subjects, such as coal exploration fees, combined with the characteristics of the coal industry, and a more scientific model of EVA performance evaluation for coal listed companies is constructed. On the basis of this, the performance of 34 coal listed companies in China is compared and comprehensively evaluated, so as to provide valuable information and new concept of performance evaluation for the managers of coal enterprises in our country, and to improve the performance of enterprises.
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