[Abstract]:The problem of farmers' loan difficulties has been puzzling the farmers themselves and government departments, and has restricted the farmers' income and poverty, and affected the social stability. Although the government, financial institutions, scholars and relevant people begin to pay attention to and explore the relevant measures to solve the financing difficulties of farmers, but most of the research is limited to the existing rural financial system, and rarely from the perspective of social network to study the problem of farmers' lending. In the rural areas of China, which has the characteristic of "different order pattern", the study on the influence of peasant households' social network on farmers' borrowing is of great significance. This paper takes the peasant household as the investigation object, taking the influence of the peasant household social network to the peasant household loan to obtain, the each loan channel to obtain and the peasant household credit rationing as the research content, analyzes the present situation of the peasant household social network and the peasant household loan in our country. Based on the theory of social network, this paper establishes a social network measurement model based on human spending ratio, strong relationship network, network scale, network roof, network difference, network centrality and network heterogeneity. This paper explores the influence mechanism of social network on farmers' borrowing, and tests the effect of social network on farmers' borrowing by using logit model and OLM model, which are collected from 413 valid data collected by questionnaire. The hypothesis of the influence of the credit rationing and the loan access of the farmers. The results show that: the larger the human spending ratio, the larger the scale of strong relationship network, the larger the scale of social network, the greater the probability of formal and mixed lending, the more helpful for farmers to obtain loans; The higher the heterogeneity of network, the more help farmers obtain informal loans and mixed loans, the more help farmers obtain loans; the larger the ratio of human spending, the smaller the scale of strong relationship network, the smaller the probability of farmers receiving credit rationing; The larger the scale of the strongly related social network, the more serious the credit rationing is, which is mainly due to the insufficient demand of these farmers. The net roof and the net difference have no significant influence on the farmers to obtain the loan, but the farmers with the big network difference have the advantage in the formal loan aspect, the net top is high, the network difference is big, the network scale farmer has no superiority in the aspect of the credit rationing. The farmers with high network centrality get informal loans, the possibility of formal and mixed lending is smaller, and the probability of farmers getting loans is lower, but the credit rationing degree of formal financial institutions is smaller. According to the theoretical and empirical research conclusions, based on the perspective of farmers' social network, in order to improve farmers' access to loans, reduce the extent of farmers' credit rationing, from the farmers themselves, the national policy level and financial institutions three aspects. This paper discusses how to construct and make good use of social network so as to satisfy the farmers' loan demand and reduce their credit rationing degree.
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